UD for Akuntsu 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Akuntsú uses all 17 UPOS, although the class of adjectives is a complicated matter that requires more examination.
- Tokenization and semgmentatoin in Akunstú is straightforward. There are no multiwords that require spaces or dashes.
- In general, words are delimited by whitespace characters. Description of exceptions follows.
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. We always tokenize them as separate tokens (words).
Mapping UPOS to XPOS Akuntsú
ADJ | adj |
ADV | adv |
INTJ | intj |
NOUN | n |
PROPN | ppn |
VERB | v, vi, vt |
ADP | pp |
AUX | aux |
CCONJ | cc |
DET | det |
NUM | num |
PART | pcl |
PRON | pro |
SCONJ | sc |
PUNCT | punct |
SYM | sym |
X | x |
- Akuntsú is mostly a suffixing language, though its number of affixes and suffixes are relatively small if compared to some other South American languages. Words in this language can be composed as few as single morpheme, or can bear to different affixes. Inflection, derivation and compounding are processes found in the language, and derivation and compounding are productive in word formation.
- Nominal words, NOUN, PROPN and PRON, are not marked for Gender, plural or animacy.
- There are no classifiers.
- The two main values of the Number feature are Sing and Plural.
- The notion of plural is expressed through numerals, particles or through reduplication:
tɨrɨ-tɨrɨ apaɾa
two-two banana
'four (or many) bananas'
ko-am pega ekwa
fishhook-rope bring ITER
'(He) brings many fishing lines'
- Akuntsú has postpositions and oblique clitics, including Ablative
, allativeAll
, dativeDat
, essiveEss
, locativeLoc
, translativeTra
and inessiveIne
. The bound (non-clitic) oblique markers are treated ascase
, while the term “postposition” is reserved only for cases of independent words, not bound forms which come after the word that they are grammatically related to.
Postpostion | Function | Example |
etʃe | Perlative | konitʃe okɨp etʃe ‘The thorn gets into my leg’ |
ete | Comitative/Relative | tekwata Buko ete ‘He leaves with Buquá’ |
pi | Inessive | ojẽ pi õkwa ‘I am washing the interior of my mouth’ |
Clitics | Function | Example |
(b)õ | Allative/Dative/Instrumental | otʃipap tabɨtõ ka ‘My grandmother went to the garden’ |
(e)ɾi | Comitative | amekoɾi imaã ‘because of the jaguar, she stores them’ |
na | Essive/Translative | powpow ikona ‘It will be owl’s food (the bird that they killed) ‘ |
pe | Locative | tɨeɾo kwiɾope ‘Chicha is at the container’ |
- The relational markers
indicate contiguityRel=Cont
or non-contiguityRel=NCont
between a head and its dependent. That is, the relational indicates whether the possessed noun is or is not contiguous to its possessor, as exemplified below:
Rel | Form | Example |
Cont | ∅ | Konibu ø-ajtʃi Aɾamĩɾa ‘Konibú’s wife is Aramira’ |
NCont | t | apaɾa t-ep tʃopa jẽ ‘This one sees banana’s leaf’ |
- The reflexive/correferential morpheme te is associated with the feature-value
. - The demonstratives can occur as noun specifiers or as predicate complements, which receive the tag DEM with two values:
jẽ kem-kɨ jẽ kem-kɨ=ɾom
DEM.PROX breast-liquid DEM.PROX breast-liquid=NEG
'This one has breast-milk, this one doesn't have breast-milk'
otʃe t-ek no jẽɾom tʃok
1PL.EXCL R-house other DEM.DIST build
'Our other house, they built that one'
Nominal Reduplication: it marks pluralilty in nouns, as in pi-pi ‘feetʼ. It can be monosyllabic (involving the first or the second syllable of the stem) or dissyllabic. Reduplication is associated with the feature-value
. -
Augmentative and diminutive: the diminutive morpheme is -tin
and the augmentative -atʃoAugm
. These morphemes refer to the size of something or the expansion of an event (if it is big or not).
- Verbs tend to combine with categories that denote aspect, modality, and voice.
- The aspectual morphemes include the iterative
, and habitualHab
. There is also a projective aspect. - Akuntsú has the following voice features VOICE: Middle
and causativeCau
- Akuntsú has a set of auxiliaries
that expresses the notion of ‘sitting,’ ‘lying,’ ‘standing,’ ‘walking,’ ‘moving,’ ‘coming’ and ‘going´. The auxiliaries are given in the table below:
Standing | Sitting | Lying | In movement | Going |
ãm | jã | toa | tʃe | ka ~ ko |
Some verbs occur with the morpheme -ka, which is a transitivizer. This feature (
) takes the value YES if the when the morpheme is present. Verbs that may or not combine with this morpheme take no overt object or require two obligatory arguments. -
Verbal Reduplication: it assigns aspectual function in verbs, as in ãbi-bi ‘to pull successively.ʼ As in the nouns, it can be monosyllabic (involving the first or the second syllable of the stem) or dissyllabic. Reduplication is associated with the feature-value
. -
Nominalization: there are two productive nominalizer affixes in this language: -ap
and i-Nomlzr=Obj
.taptot te=i-ko manioc 3COR=OBJ.NMLZ-ingest ‘Manioc, his own food’
- Akuntsú is predominantly head-final.
- Objects tend to precede verbs. The most frequent word order is (S)OV.
- The basic clausal constituents may be described basically as [(PRONOMINAL CLITICS) + NOUNS + (NOMINAL MORPHOLOGY) + (OBJECT) + (VERBAL MORPHOLOGY) + VERB + (VERBAL MORPHOLOGY) + (AUXILIARY)].
Clause combining mainly involves coordination, subordination, and complementation. Coordination is done by the simple juxtaposition of clauses; complementation is usually in the form of nominalizations.
- In Akuntsú, the antipassive voice is not morphologically marked directly on the verb, but through the demotion of the object to an oblique position in a given transitive clause. The oblique clitic =pe, described with the feature
, marks the object when it is occurring outside of the usual syntactic position of the object.
tɨrɨ puru-ru-ru me-me-me ek pagop=pe
'In two (days) that one goes back and forth and builds [on] a new house'
There is 1 Akuntsu UD treebank: