UD for Mbyá Guaraní

This is a brief overview of the UD annotation for Mbyá Guaraní. A full set of annotation guidelines can be downloaded at gpythomas.com/Mbya_Treebank_Guidelines.pdf and will be incorporated into the UD Mbya_Guarani documentation in the next release.
These guidelines are very much a work in progress. They are meant to adapt Dooley’s (2015) analysis of Mbyá to the UD framework:
- Dooley, Robert A. (2015). Léxico Guarani, Dialeto Mbyá – com informações úteis para o ensino médio, a aprendizagem e a pesquisa lingüística Brasília, Brazil: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
In general, words are delimited by white spaces or punctuation, Whitespaces or punctuation may appear in some abbreviations or numeric expressions.
In order to capture interactions between syntax and morphology, clause level nominalizers (including the suffix -a) and adverbializers (including the switch reference markers vy and ramo) have been represented as syntactic words.
Glottal stops are represented by the apostrophe, which can therefore be part of a word. Reduplicated units are joined to their host by a hyphen.
- Mbyá uses all 17 Universal POS categories:
Open class words | Closed class words | Other |
NOUN | DET | |
PRON | ||
- The language specific tagset (XPOS) is mapped to universal POS categories as follows:
XPOS | UPOS | XPOSDescription |
aspprt | PART | aspect particle |
coordconn | CCONJ/ADV | coordinating conjunction |
dem | ADV/DET/PRON | demonstrative |
discprt | PART | discourse particle |
focprt | PART | focus particle |
for | X | foreign token (not code-switching or loan) |
illocprt | PART | illocutionary particle |
inact | ADJ/ADV/NOUN/VERB | intransitive verb: inactive |
indfpro | PRON | indefinite pronoun |
interj | INTJ | interjection |
interrog | PRON | interrogative pro-form |
intermod | ADV | interrogative modifier |
interpron | PRON | interrogative pronoun |
intprt | PART | interrogative particle |
mod | ADJ/ADV | modifier |
modprt | PART | modal particle |
n | NOUN | noun |
n:pred | VERB | nominal predicate |
negprt | PART | negative particle |
nmlzer | SCONJ | nominalizer |
nprop | PROPN | proper noun |
num | NUM | numeral |
onom | INTJ | onomatopeia |
post | ADP/SCONJ | postposition |
pro | PRON | personal pronoun |
prov | VERB | pro-verb |
ptcp | ADJ/VERB | participle |
punct | PUNCT | punctuation |
qprt | PART | quantificational particle |
quant | ADV/DET/PRON | quantifier |
quantprt | PART | quantificational particle |
rel | SCONJ | relativizer |
subordconn | SCONJ | subordinating conjunction |
temprt | PART | temporal particle |
univpro | PRON | universal pronoun |
v | AUX/VERB | verb |
vd | VERB | ditransitive verb |
vd:a | VERB | indirect transitive verb: active |
vd:i | VERB | indirect transitive verb: inactive |
vi | ADJ/VERB/AUX | intransitive verb |
vi:a | ADJ/VERB | intransitive verb: active |
vpos | VERB | postposed verb |
vs | VERB | serial verb |
vt | VERB | transitive verb |
Verbs are inflected for person, number and clusivity:
Verbs have a subcategorization feature Subcat with four possible values:
(ect) andTran
(sitive). -
Verbs have a VerbForm feature with five possible values:
(posed verb),Prov
(verbal noun). -
Verbs have an optional Mood feature with three possible values:
(erative). -
Verbs have an optional Polarity feature with one possible value,
. -
Nouns can be used as predicates without copula, and inflect for person, number and clusivity like inactive intransitive verbs. They have Person, Number and Clusitivity features.
Pronouns have a PronType feature with seven possible values:
.- The feature value
has been added for additive pronouns that are unspecified for definiteness (e.g. amboae, ‘another’ or ‘the other’)
- The feature value
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Subjects are noun phrases without postpositions that are the sole cross-referenced argument of intransitive verbs, or the argument of transitive verbs that is cross-referenced with an active agreement marker.
Objects are noun phrases without postpositions that are cross-referenced on transitive verbs with inactive agreement markers. They may be followed by a differential object marker.
Postpositional noun phrases are considered oblique.
Non-verbal Clauses
- Mbyá Guaraní is an omnipredicative language. Nouns and other non-verbal open word classes can be used predicatively without copula. In certain environments, non-verbal predicates are introduced by the copula iko.
Language Specific Syntactic Relations
- There are 6 relation subtypes in UD Mbya_Guarani:
Relation | Description |
advmod:sentcon | Adverbial modifier used as sentence initial discourse connective |
dep:mod | Modifier underspecified for the syntactic category of its head |
compound:svc | Used for a variety of complex predicates, notably serial verb and postposed verb constructions |
dislocated:cleft | Used for cleft constructions that lack a copula |
obl:sentcon | Nominal modifier used as a sentence initial discourse connective |
parataxis:rep | Used to relate a reported speech form to a verb of speech report analyzed as its head |
There are 2 Mbyá Guaraní treebanks: