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This page pertains to UD version 2.

UD for Ancient Hebrew

Tokenization and Word Segmentation

No tokens in the Ancient Hebrew treebank should contain whitespace. The following are made into separate tokens:



All tags are used except X and SYM. AUX is used for the copula היה.

The positive and negative existentials ישׁ and אין are tagged VERB.

Participles are tagged either VERB or NOUN. If they have arguments or obliques, they are tagged as VERB, but if they do not then they are tagged as NOUN if they participate in nominal phrases.

The correspondences between XPOS (BHSA feature sp) and UPOS are listed below. Rows prefixed with → indicate that the part of speech tag’s correspondence is conditioned by the BHSA lexical set feature.

BHSA tag BHSA name UPOS Notes
adjv adjective ADJ Also NOUN in certain situations
ordn ordinal NUM  
advb adverb ADV  
art article DET Also SCONJ in certain situations
conj conjunction CCONJ or SCONJ  
inrg interrogative particle ADV or PART  
intj interjection INTJ  
nega negative particle ADV  
nmpr proper noun PROPN  
prde demonstrative pronoun PRON  
prep preposition ADP  
prin interrogative pronoun PRON  
prn pronominal suffix PRON Tag added in conversion process
prps personal pronoun PRON  
punct punctuation PUNCT Tag added in conversion process
subs noun NOUN  
card cardinal NUM  
nmcp copulative noun VERB These are the existential verbs
padv potential adverb ADV Sometimes
ppre potential preposition ADP Sometimes
verb verb VERB Also NOUN in certain situations
vbcp copulative verb AUX  


The following universal features are in use:

The following language-specific features are in use:

The following MISC features are present:

Book Ref Abbreviation
Genesis GEN
Exodus EXO
Leviticus LEV
Numbers NUM
Deuteronomy DEU
Joshua JOS
Judges JDG
Ruth RUT
1 Samuel 1SA
2 Samuel 2SA
1 Kings 1KI
2 Kings 2KI
1 Chronicles 1CH
2 Chronicles 2CH
Ezra EZR
Nehemiah EZR
Esther EST
Psalms PSA
Proverbs PRO
Ecclesiastes ECC
Song of Songs SOS
Isaiah ISA
Jeremiah JER
Lamentations LAM
Ezekiel EZK
Daniel DAN
Hosea HOS
Joel JOL
Amos AMO
Obadiah OBA
Jonah JON
Micah MIC
Nahum NAM
Habakkuk HAB
Zephaniah ZEP
Haggai HAG
Zechariah ZEC
Malachi MAL


The subtypes acl:relcl, compound:smixut, nmod:poss, nsubj:outer, and obl:npmod are used. The relation compound is currently unused.

The relations iobj, and clf are unused.

The relations list, goeswith, reparandum, and dep are currently unused, but may be used in future.


There is 1 Ancient Hebrew UD treebank: