UD for Hungarian 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- In general, words are delimited by whitespace characters. Description of exceptions follows.
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. These are normally tokenized as separate tokens (words); however, abbreviations are kept together with the period that marks them (dr.) Hyphenated compounds are kept together and the same holds for hyphens connecting case suffixes to numbers: 1991-ben.
- There are no words with spaces and no multiword tokens.
- For more details, see tokenization.
This is an overview only. For more detailed discussion and examples, see the list of Hungarian POS tags and Hungarian features.
- All 17 universal POS categories are relevant in Hungarian, including particles (PART). At present, the SYM category is not attested in the data.
- Most verbs have two inflected tenses, past and present, and a future form using an auxiliary verb.
The verb lenni “to be” has three inflected tenses: past (volt “was”), present (van “is”) and future (lesz “will be”).
However, lesz is kept as a separate lemma in the data, and
is used with its present/future forms, notTense=Fut
; it also has a past tense, lett “became”. - The auxiliary fog expresses future intention: Fogok menni. “I am going to go.”
- The auxiliary lehet “may, can” is used impersonally, as in Oda lehet menni. “One can go there.” Otherwise, potential can also be expressed using the suffix -hat/-het, followed by regular conjugation: Mehetek “I can/may go”.
- Other modal verbs than lehet are not analyzed as auxiliaries.
- There are six main (de)verbal forms, distinguished by the UPOS tag and the value of the VerbForm feature:
Nominal Features
- Neither gender nor animacy is grammatically relevant.
- The two main values of the Number feature are
. The following parts of speech inflect for number: NOUN, PROPN, PRON, ADJ, DET, VERB, AUX (finite, participles and converbs), marginally NUM. - Case has 22 possible values:
. It occurs with the nominal words, i.e., NOUN, PROPN, PRON, ADJ, DET, NUM. - Layered features Number[psor], Person[psor], and Number[psed] are used to cross-reference features of the possessor (or the possessed) on the noun.
Degree and Polarity
- Degree applies to adjectives (ADJ) and adverbs (ADV) and has one of three possible values:
. - The
feature is currently not used.
Verbal Features
- Finite verbs always have one of four values of Mood:
. - Verbs in the indicative mood always have one of two values of Tense:
. The verb lenni “to be” has three inflected tenses: past (volt “was”), present (van “is”) and future (lesz “will be”). However, lesz is kept as a separate lemma in the data, andTense=Pres
is used with its present/future forms, notTense=Fut
. - Aspect is normally not marked, except for the iterative (frequentative) forms, which are annotated
. - There are two values of the Voice feature:
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
- PronType is used with pronouns (PRON), determiners (DET) and adverbs (ADV).
- NumType is used with numerals (NUM) and adjectives (ADJ).
- The Poss is used with the pronoun saját “own”.
- The Reflex feature marks reflexive pronouns (magát, magukat, magára…)
In Hungarian it is always used together with
. - Person is a lexical feature of personal pronouns (PRON) and has three values,
This is an overview only. For more detailed discussion and examples, see the list of Hungarian relations, as well as the overview of syntax and specific constructions.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
- Nominal subject (nsubj) is a noun phrase in the nominative case, without preposition.
- A finite subordinate clause may serve as the subject and is labeled
- A finite subordinate clause may serve as the subject and is labeled
- Direct nominal object (obj) is a bare noun phrase in the accusative case.
Relations Overview
- The following relation subtypes are used in Hungarian:
- advmod:locy
- advmod:mode
- advmod:que
- advmod:tfrom
- advmod:tlocy
- advmod:to
- advmod:tto
- amod:att
- amod:attlvc
- ccomp:obj
- ccomp:obl
- ccomp:pred
- compound:preverb
- flat:name for non-first words in personal names
- nmod:att
- nmod:attlvc
- nmod:obl
- nsubj:lvc
- obj:lvc
- obl:lvc
- The following main types are not used alone and must be subtyped: amod, flat
- The following relation types are not used in Hungarian at all: expl, clf
There is 1 Hungarian UD treebank: