UD for Komi-Zyrian 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- In general, words are delimited by whitespace characters. Compounds in Komi-Zyrian are usually written separated, and in these cases the relation (compound) is used to connect the tokens.
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. At the moment hyphenated compounds such as партийно-комсомольскӧй “pertaining to the komsomol of the party” or сідз-тадз “so-so” are analysed as individual tokens, as are abbreviations such as с.в., “etc. (сідз водзлань “onward like this”)”.
- A whitespace separating digits in a large number is not treated as a word separator. For example, 1 000 000 (“1,000,000” by English rules) is one token.
- Komi-Zyrian uses all 17 universal POS categories.
- There are two copulas лоны and вӧвны, both meaning “to be”. Besides these there are also frequentative forms such as вӧвлыны and лолыны.
- Verbs with modal meaning are not considered auxiliary in Komi-Zyrian.
Nominal features
Case has 17 possible values: Nom, Gen, Acc, Abl, Dat, Ins, Com, Car, Cau, Ine, Ill, Ela, Tra, Prl, Ter, Apr, Egr. They occur with following word POS: NOUN, PROPN, PRON, ADJ, ADV and ADP. There are also complex compound-cases in Komi, but as they don’t yet occur in the treebanks, they have not been included into documentation or annotation conventions.
The cases are widely used with adpositions and adverbs, which are also tagged separately for case. This is not a common solution with UD treebanks, but keeping this information seems important with Uralic languages where the case marking is such an important aspect of adpositions.
Komi-Zyrian does not have Gender feature
Number feature has two possible values: Sing and Plur
Degree and Polarity
Degree applies to adjectives (ADJ) and adverbs (ADV) and has one of two possible values:
. The superlative is formed with adverb медся ‘most’. In Komi-Zyrian the comparative suffix -джык can also connect to untypical parts of speech, i.e. to verbs, but such behaviour is not yet attested in the current treebanks. -
Connegative has only value Yes and applies to verbs which have been negated by negation verb ‘оз’
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Nominal subject (nsubj) is a noun phrase in the nominative case.
Objects are either in nominative or accusative case. Komi-Zyrian encodes focus and topic into different accusative forms, but these distinctions are currently not being directly annotated, but can be still distinguished from different forms that correspond to possessive forms that are marked in feats-column.
- The following subtypes are used in Komi-Zyrian:
- The following relation types are not used in Komi-Zyrian:
There are two Komi-Zyrian UD treebanks: