UD for Kyrgyz 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- In general, words are delimited by whitespace characters. Description of exceptions follows.
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. These are normally tokenized as separate tokens (words), with the following exceptions:
- The period that marks an abbreviation is part of the abbreviation token: млн. “million”
- The hyphen that attaches a morphological suffix to a number is not a token separator: 100-ге
- There are a few instances of multi-word tokens that are segmented to individual syntactic words. 550’дөн
*Kyrgyz has a rich inflectional and derivational morphology. *Nouns in Kyrgyz take a number of case endings that change based on vowel harmony. *Question suffixes are written adjacent to the word in Kyrgyz language. -бы
*14 POS tags were used in the Kyrgyz treebank.
- PRON : 179 tokens. Мен, сен, ал, биз, сиз, алар, etc.
- PUNCT: 1060 tokens. _ ., ?, , etc, _
- VERB: 1512 tokens. бар, тур, бол, кал, көр, бил, бер, etc.
- NOUN: 2698 tokens. үй балык, чал, базар, күн, сардина, etc.
- AUX : 55 tokens. _еле, ала, экен, etc. _
- ADP: 9 tokens. _ ара, жан, арка, etc. _
- CCONJ: 205 tokens. жана, менен, etc.
- SCONJ: 2 tokens. Эгер, Эгерде, etc.
- ADV: 308 tokens. _арты, боюнча, дагы , etc.
- PROPN: 670 tokens. Ысык-Көл, Бишкек, Кыргызстан, etc.
- DET : 22 tokens. Бул, эми, деле, etc.
- ADJ: 310 tokens. көп, кичине, тирүү, etc._
- NUM: 420 tokens. биринчи, төрт, etc._
- SYM: 1 tokens. $, etc.
Nominal Features
- There is no grammatical gender in Kyrgyz.
The two values of the Number feature are ‘Sing’ and ‘Plur’. For NOUN, PROPN and ADJ, only the ‘Plur’ value is used if the plural suffix is present; the singular is unmarked and unannotated. Pronouns (PRON) have both values and they are treated as lexical, that is, the plural pronoun has its own lemma, distinct from the corresponding singular pronoun.
- Case has 7 possible values: ‘Nom’, ‘Gen’, ‘Dat’, ‘Acc’, ‘Loc’, ‘Abl’, ‘Ins’. It occurs with the nominal words, i.e., NOUN, PROPN, PRON, ADJ, NUM, as well as gerunds and participles (VERB, AUX).
Degree and Polarity
- Degree applies to adjectives (ADJ) and adverbs (ADV) and has only one value: ‘Cmp’. The basic (positive) form is unmarked and unannotated.
- Polarity applies to verbs (VERB, AUX) and has only one value: ‘Neg’. The basic (positive) form is unmarked and unannotated.
Verbal Features
- Finite verbs are normally annotated as the habitual Aspect (‘Perf’). Other values (‘Imp’, ‘Prog’) can be observed with infinitives and converbs.
- Finite verbs always have one of five values of Mood: ‘Ind’, ‘Imp’, ‘Opt’, ‘Pot’ or ‘Des’. The conditional mood (‘Cnd’) is only used with conditional converbs.
- Verbs in the indicative mood always have one of three values of Tense: ‘Past’, ‘Pres’, ‘Fut’. The future tense (‘Fut’) may occur with participles.
- The Evident feature (evidentiality) distinguishes first-hand past tense (‘Fh’).
- There is one value of the Voice feature: ‘Pass’ . *The basic (active) form of the verb is unmarked and unannotated.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
- Nominal subject (nsubj) is a noun phrase in the nominative case, without adposition.
- A subordinate clause may serve as the subject and is labeled ‘csubj’.
- Object (obj) is a noun phrase without adposition and typically in the accusative case, although it can be also nominative or dative.
Relations Overview
The following relation subtypes are used in Kyrgyz:
- nmod:poss for possessive and genitive modifiers
This is the first treebank in Kyrgyz.
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