UD for Mundurukú 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are delimited by whitespace characters
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. They are given as separate tokens (words);
- There are no adjectives in Tupinambá. Modification is made by composition, juxtaposing lexical roots, so when a lexical root is modified by another a new word appears as in kuɲãporaŋ(a) ‘beautiful woman’ (kuɲã ‘woman’ + poraŋ-(a) ‘beauty’). Such words are treated sometimes as multiword tokens, sometimes as a single word.
- Some compound words from Portuguese are written as one word, e.g. santaCruz ‘holy cross’.
- Mundurukú uses 16 ofthe 17 universal POS categories.
is not used since there is no separate class of adjectives. Stative-verbs and possessed nouns behave alike, in a way that is not possible to distinguish them morphologically (I am ugly / I have uglyness; ugly boy / boy with uglyness).
Mapping UPOS to XPOS Mundurukú
ADJ | adj |
ADV | adv |
INTJ | intj |
NOUN | n |
PROPN | ppn |
VERB | v, vi, vt |
ADP | pp |
AUX | aux |
CCONJ | cc |
DET | det |
NUM | num |
PART | pcl |
PRON | pro |
SCONJ | sc |
PUNCT | punct |
SYM | sym |
X | x |
Nominal Features
- NOUN, PROPN and PRON, are not marked for Gender.
- Personal Pronouns and Person Markers distinguish Number(Singular or Plural). They also distinguish Clusivity in the 1st person plural. Mundurukú marks the 3rd person plural by adding the partical ip.
- Another way to express existential predication is through the reduplication of a noun with the vowel e replacing
the original vowel, e.g, xat ‘food’ xaxet ‘there is food’. These nouns receive a marked
(reduplication existential) in the FEATS column. - Mundurukú classifiers are lexical roots. Nouns in this function have the feature
. - The relational markers
, which indicate contiguity or non-contiguity between a head and its dependent, take respectively the following features:Rel=Cont
. - Mundurukú has possessor markers that distinguish alienably and inalienably possessed nouns. These types of possession have the feature Poss and the values alienable
, and inalienable(Poss=Inal)
Verbal Features
- Verbs have a lexical Aspect: imperfective (Imp), perfective (Perf), iterative (Iter).
- Some lexical roots can not easily be assigned to a specific lexical category. This is the case with kake and opop.
These are tagged as AUX in the UPOS, and v:ex (existential verb) and
respectively in the XPOS. - As a head marking language, Tupinambá cross-references both arguments of a two-place predicate, S and O, only when O is third person: a-s-epjak 1.SG-3(RELNCONT)-see ‘I see him/her/it/them’. The PERSON feature in this case ha sthe value
indicating that A is 1st and O 3rd person. - The protmanteau markers indicating 1 -> 2 (A is 1st and U is 2nd person) are asigned the PERSON feature
Mundurukú has some auxiliary verbs, which are tagged as AUX. The have two specific functions: indicate tense or posture. The table below, shows auxiliaries, giving their functions and giving their plural forms, which for some for some of the verbs have different forms for the singular and plural:
Auxiliary | Tense | Posture | Plural | Meaning |
osusnuy | past | was/were | ||
oeku | past | was/were in movement | ||
osodop | past | was/were | ||
e’em | ||||
dopdom | nuynuy | |||
g̃uy | remain | |||
jop | remain | |||
cũg̃’i | standing | kacũg̃cũg̃’i | ||
xik’i | sitting | kaxikxik’i | ||
toro’i | hanging | katororo’i | ||
mũg̃’i | leaning | kamũg̃mũg̃’i | ||
po’i | laying | kapopo’i |
- Particles or reduplication mark Aspect or Tense.
- Person can have the value 1, 2, and 3.
- The feature Evident can take the following values in:
- Clusivity is also distinguished.
- There are three values for the Voice feature: Act, Mid Pass. All other verb forms have Voice=Act.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
- As a head-marking language, core arguments, except oblique core arguments are cross-referenced on the predicate.
For this reason the feature Person takes values combining both arguments (A dn P):
, andPerson=33
. No other combinations occur. - The order of arguments cross-referenced on the predicate is SOV. These NPs are marked as
‘ obliques’, since they are not the core arguments. - Transitivity is found only with third person objects.
- There is a split in alignment type based on verbal aspect.
Non-verbal clauses
Mundurukú has some lexemes that function as copula in non-verbal clauses for existentia and locational predicates. Examples are: opop, kug̃, and kake. These copular elements are not treated as the head of a clause, but rather the dependent of a lexical predicate
There is 1 Mundurukú UD treebank: