UD for Neapolitan 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are delimited by whitespace or apostrophes. The apostrophes indicate elision, i.e. the omission of a sound in a word.
- In Neapolitan, articles undergo elision, e.g.: unu → ‘nu.INDF.M; de/re → ‘e.GEN
- Multiword tokens do occur, namely:
- Neapolitan uses all 17 universal tags.
- Auxiliaries are verbal, usually formed from the verbs essĕ “to be” and avé “to have”, which indicates perfective aspect. The tag AUX is mainly used to mark:
- essĕ “to be”, which is also the copula;
- tense auxiliaries formed, as also in Italian, by essĕ “to be” and avé “to have”;
- auxiliaries in the progressive form, such stonghĕ venennĕ “I am coming”
- (De)verbal forms can be tagged in different ways.
- Participles are usually tagged as ADJ.
- Infinitive forms are always tagged as NOUN.
- Nouns are inflected by Gender and Number.
- Sometimes, the difference is only graphic, as most word-final vowels are reduced (indicated with a breve diacritic).
- Example: gruossŏ “big”.
vs. gruossĕ “big”.Masc
- Example: gruossŏ “big”.
- Grammatical gender is often marked not by the final vowel, but by the word-internal vowel or diphthong.
- Example: gruossŏ “big”.
vs. grossă “big”.Fem
- Example: gruossŏ “big”.
- Verbs all end with a reduced vowel. However, the distinction between etymological forms is retained by graphemes with a breve diacritic.
- Example: ijĕ magnĕ “I eat”; issŏ magnă “he eats”
- Often there is alternation between imperfect and simple past (with perfective meaning), used interchangeably, e.g.:
- Venevă ccà e facettĕ… “(He/she) came here and was like…” venevă.IMP; facettĕ.PERF
- Adverbs inflect for degree. However, Neapolitan tends to use the intensifier cchiù “more” in phrases like cchiù megliŏ lit. “more better”, where megliŏ “better” is already in the comparative grade.
- Subjects are constituted of noun phrases, which can be also deverbal. They are not marked and usually preceed the verb, except for presentational constructions, e.g.:
- Dimmanĕ venĕ Giuvannĕ “Tomorrow John is coming”
- Subjects can be omitted, since Neapolitan is a pro-drop language.
- Objects usually follow the main verb, or can be constituted by whole clauses, e.g.:
- Cantavă ‘na canzonă “(He/she) sang/was singing a song”
- Whole clauses can also be subjects of benefactive constructions in dative, e.g.:
- Mĕ piacĕ ‘e pazzià a ppallonĕ “I like to play football”
There is 1 Neapolitan UD treebank: