UD for Frisian Dutch 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are delimited based on whitespace and spaces do not occur within words
- Abbreviations that consist of characters are splitted with a whitespace (e.g. V N)
- There is no punctuation, because the only Frisian Dutch treebank consists of transcribed spoken data
- All tags are used except for
is used when:- a copula verb is used (according to Dutch grammar: ‘zijn’, ‘worden’, ‘blijven’, ‘blijken’, ‘lijken’, ‘shijnen’, ‘heten’, ‘dunken’, ‘voorkomen’ or the corresponding Frisian translation)
- a property is assigned to the subject
- For other verbs
is used DET
is used as a determiner in front of a noun (phrase). These include ‘de’, ‘het’/’it’, ‘een’/’in’.ADV
is used for words that modify a verb, adjectives or other adverbs. In some cases it is difficult to determine if something is an adverb or an adjective (ADJ
). In that case we determine the part of speech by checking a Frisian or Dutch dictionary. If the word was not in the dictionary we use the frequencies of the existing Dutch treebank to determine the part of speech.
- There are no annotations for morphological features in this release.
- Code-switching is annotated at the word level. In the MISC column the language labels can be found (e.g. ‘lang=fy’). In every sentence there is at least one switch from Frisian to Dutch or the other way around.
- As the data in the Fame treebank is transcribed spoken speech, some sentences seem to have a ‘non-standard’ ending. For this we use the
relation. If possibleorphan
is attached to the root. If this results in a validation error we attachorphan
to the highest node available. discourse
is always attached to the highest node without any projectivity. It is typically used for interjections and discourse elements (e.g. ‘eh’).- The subject is identified as the entity that performs an action. Objects are the entities that receive the actions and indirect objects are recipients.
- Standard dependency relations are used.
- Included subtypes:
: auxiliary in passivescompound:prt
: particle verbsflat:name
: multiword proper namesnmod:poss
: possessivesnsubj:pass
: subject in passivesobl:tmod
: temporal modifier
There is 1 Frisian Dutch UD treebanks: