UD for Kʼicheʼ 
Tokenisation and Word Segmentation
- In general words are split on spaces.
- Status suffixes, a characteristic feature of Mayan languages are split from their verbal or directional hosts
- Contractions of preposition and relational noun are split (e.g. chqawach = chi + qawach)
- Kʼicheʼ uses 15 out of the 17 universal tags, unused are
. - Kʼicheʼ has at minimum 2 auxiliaries, tajin for the progressive aspect and ta(j) for irrealis.
- There are are several verbal nouns, which are annotated with
and a verbal adjective -inaq annotated withVerbForm=Part
. - There are two prepositions in Kʼicheʼ, chi and pa.
- Most nouns are not inflected for number, although animate nouns can be, in this case they are annotated with
. - There is a subset of nouns used relationally, these are called relational nouns and are used where adpositions would be used in other languages.
- They are marked with the feature
. - The lemmas are: ech, ukʼ, umal, wach, ibʼ, onojel, wiʼ, pam, ij, xeʼ, xoʼl, tukel, tzalaj, naqaj.
- Relational nouns are also used for:
- Reflexive, ibʼ
- Introducing the agent in a passive, umal
- They are marked with the feature
- Transitive verbs have polypersonal agreement which is indicated through layered features
. - Finite verbs have
but noTense
.- The imperfective or incompletive is annotated with
. - The perfective or completive is annotated with
- The imperfective or incompletive is annotated with
- Incorporated movement is indicated through the feature
:- Movement away from is marked with
, this is the morph -eʼ- - Movement towards is marked with
, this is the morph -l-
- Movement away from is marked with
- There are two principle valency changing processes: Passive and antipassive. Both produce verbs with only set B agreement.
- In the passive, annotated with
, the object is promoted to subject and the subject is demoted to oblique. - In the antipassive, annotated with
, the subject agreement is maintained and the object is demoted to oblique.
- In the passive, annotated with
- In Kʼicheʼ there is a class of words derived from intransitive verbs called directionals. These are classified as ADV and have the feature
Kʼicheʼ has ergative-absolutive alignment and verbs have polypersonal agreement. The subject of an intransitive verb takes a set B subject marker. The subject of a transitive verb takes a set A subject marker and a set B object marker. If the verb is passivised or antipassivised then the only remaining marker is a set B marker.
There are no copulas but there is an existential word kʼo meaning something like “existent”. Another non-verbal predicate is rajawaxik “necessary”.
Language-specific relations
Used for status suffixesdep:agr
Used for clitic agreement markersadvmod:neg
Used for the negative markers ma(n) and na
There is 1 Kʼicheʼ UD treebank: