UD for Skolt Sámi 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are generally delimited by whitespace or punctuation. Exceptions:
- Numerical expressions (including dates) are treated as single words and may contain punctuation or whitespace: 1.1.1970, 11:00, 2 000.
- Abbreviations are treated as single words and may contain punctuation or whitespace.
- Multiword tokens are used in Skolt Sámi in certain fixed phrases subjunctions and adverbials: ouddâl ko (before), čõõđ ääiʹj (in time).
- Skolt Sámi uses 16 of the 17 universal part-of-speech tags: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, CONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NPROP, NUM, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, VERB .
- There are two copulas leeʹd and iʹlla. The first one means (to be), and the second one means (is not).
- Verbs of negation and negative particles have been labled AUX with an aux:neg relation.
Nominal features
- Case has 9 possible values: Abe, Acc, Com, Ess, Gen, Ill, Loc, Nom, Par. They occur with following word POS: NOUN, PROPN, PRON, NUM, ADJ.
- The cases Ess and Par make no distinction for a singular-to-plural split, and therefore no number category is associated with them.
- Skolt Sámi has possessive suffixes that distinguish three categories of person and two for number.
Degree and Polarity
- The comparative is formed with the suffix -Vb ‘-er’, and the superlative is formed by adding the -mõs, -mmus.
- Polarity in Skolt Sámi is found in the negative verbs and particles.
Verbal features
- Mood has 4 possible values: Ind, Imp, Cnd, Pot.
- Finite verbs are marked for the categories of tense: Prt (past) and Pres (non-past); person: first, second and third in combination with number singular and plural. There is an additional indefinite person conjugation indicated by fourth person singular.
- Verbs have many forms of regular derivation, one specifically is the inchoative -škueʹtted (begin to X), which, when the verb undergoes negation, conveys the meaning (begin not to X).
- Word order generally follows an SO, SV and VO strategy, but more research is required to establish what the actual deviations are from this.
- Objects (obj) can be nominals in the accusative case, without preposition.
The copula verbs leeʹd (be) and iʹlla (not be) are used in equational, attributional, locative, possessive and benefactory nonverbal clauses.
- The following subtypes are used in Skolt Sámi:
- advmod:tmod for advmod with temporal value
- aux:neg for the negative auxiliary verbs and particles
- flat:name for flat used in person names
- obl:tmod for obl relation with temporal value
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