UD for Albanian 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are delimited based on whitespace and punctuation.
- No multi-word tokens occur in the TSA corpus. However, multi-word units exist and have been segmented based on whitespace as well. In the current dataset, they appear in the following forms:
- adjectives, i.e. i madh (big)
- pronouns, i.e. i cili (who)
- nouns (nominalized participle), i.e. të vdekurit (the dead)
- Multiword tokens occur in the STAF corpus. Most notably, combinations between clitic pronouns, such as:
- ma -> më+ ‘1sg.dat’ + *e ‘3sg.acc’ or combinations between particles and clitic pronouns, such as:
- ta -> të ‘part’ + e ‘3sg.acc’
- Out of the 17 tags, only 14 were used (
did not occur). - The following words were tagged as PART:
- the negative markers: s’, nuk
- the particle used to build the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs: më
- the particle which functions as an adverbial: madje
- the particle të when occuring in front of verbs.
- the particle duke which is used to build the gerund form of verbs.
- the particle do which is used to build the future form of verbs.
- Auxiliaries (AUX) can be listed as follows:
- The temporal auxiliary kam (to have), which combined with the supine forms periphrastically the perfect tense of the active voice.
- The temporal/passive auxiliary jam (to be), which combined with the supine forms periphrastically the perfect tense of the mediopassive voice.
- The temporal auxiliary u (self), which combined with a finite verb form builds periphrastically the Aorist of the mediopassive voice.
- The copula jam (to be)
- The tag DET is used for articles/clitics (i/e/të/një) both for those forming adjectival and pronominal multi-word units and those forming the genitive/ablative/dative case of nouns.
- The tag PRON is used for all types of pronouns.
- Participles (past) are mainly used adjectivally in Albanian and are generally tagged as ADJ. The only exception is when these occur in a nominalized form, in which case they are tagged as NOUN i.e. të vdekurit (the dead).
- Nouns have inherent Gender,
. They inflect for Definite (definite or indefinite, marked as suffix), Number (singular or plural) and Case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative and ablative). For those nouns that change gender in plural, the feature NounType=Het
has been provided additionally. - Verbs inflect for Aspect (imperfect, perfect), Mood (indicative, subjunctive, admirative, imperative, conditional, optative) Number (singular or plural), Person (first, second, third), Tense (past or present) and Voice (active or passive/mediopassive). There are three types of nonfinite forms: infinitives, past participle/supine (used to form perfect tenses together with the auxiliary to have/to be or other verb constructions, i.e. për të shkruajtur (in order to write). However, in case of non-finite verb forms only the feature VerbForm has been provided.
- Adjectives agree with nouns with respect to the features Gender, Number, Case. In addition, many adjectives inflect for Degree (positive, comparative, superlative).
- Adverbs inflect for Degree.
- Personal pronouns inflect for Case with four values (nominative, accusative, dative, ablative), Number and Gender.
- Determiners agree in Case, Gender and Number with their nominal heads and encode (in)definiteness.
- In the possessive construction, Determiners are used as connective morphemes between the possessed item and the possessor and agree in Gender and Number with the possessed item, i.e. shkronjat (FEM, PL) e (FEM, PL) librit (MASC, SING) (The letters of the book). In the TSA treebank, the connective morphemes has the Gender feature, while in the STAF treebank has the Gender and the Number features.
- Subjects occur in nominative case without adpositions. Pronomial subjects are often dropped, as Albanian is a pro-drop language.
- Objects:
- Occur in the accusative case (direct objects) or in dative (indirect objects).
- Dative objects require clitic doubling, i.e. kjo u lejon atyre të (this allows them to…), where u is an obligatory pronominal clitic preceeding the dative object atyre. Clitic doubling can occur with accusative objects as well, but then it is optional.
- The copula verb jam (to be) is used in equational, attributional, locative, possessive and benefactory nonverbal clauses. Existential clauses normally use the verb kam (have), i.e. nuk ka njeri (Gloss 1-1: not has person, freely translated as: there is no one).
- The following subtypes are used in Albanian:
- acl:relcl for relative clauses
- csubj:pass for clausal subjects of passive verbs or impersonal verb constructions (i.e. it is my duty to say…) (Only in the TSA treebank)
- det:adj for prearticulated adjectives
- det:noun for prearticulated nouns (Only in the TSA treebank)
- det:poss for possessive pronouns (Only in the STAF treebank)
- det:pron for prearticulated pronouns
- obl:tmod for obliques acting as temporal modifiers (Only in the STAF treebank)
- nmod:poss for possessive/genitive modifiers
There are two Albanian UD treebanks.