Treebank Statistics: UD_Slovak-SNK: Features: PronType
This feature is universal but the values Emp
are language-specific.
It occurs with 8 different values: Dem
, Emp
, Ind
, Int
, Neg
, Prs
, Rel
, Tot
Some words have combined values of the feature; 1 combinations have been observed: Int|Rel
11814 tokens (11%) have a non-empty value of PronType
568 types (2%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of PronType
144 lemmas (1%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of PronType
The feature is used with 3 part-of-speech tags: PRON (6435; 6% instances), DET (4404; 4% instances), ADV (975; 1% instances).
6435 PRON tokens (100% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and PronType
co-occurred: Animacy=EMPTY (5410; 84%), Gender=EMPTY (4354; 68%), Person=EMPTY (3737; 58%), Reflex=EMPTY (3369; 52%).
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(158; 2% of non-emptyPronType
): niečo, niekto, čosi, ktosi, niečím, všeličo, čokoľvek, niekoho, niečoho, ktokoľvekInt,Rel
(285; 4% of non-emptyPronType
): čo, kto, čím, čom, koho, Čože, čomu, komu, ktože, čohoNeg
(154; 2% of non-emptyPronType
): nič, nikto, nik, nikoho, nikomu, ničoho, ničom, ničomuPrs
(5820; 90% of non-emptyPronType
): sa, si, mi, ho, ma, mu, ju, ja, jej, ichTot
(18; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): všetko, všetci, všetky, všetkých, všetku, všetkému
seems to be lexical feature of PRON
. 100% lemmas (29) occur only with one value of PronType
4404 DET tokens (100% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and PronType
co-occurred: Gender[psor]=EMPTY (3924; 89%), Number[psor]=EMPTY (3473; 79%), Person=EMPTY (3473; 79%), Number=Sing (3449; 78%), Poss=EMPTY (3147; 71%), Animacy=EMPTY (2883; 65%).
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(1734; 39% of non-emptyPronType
): to, ten, tom, toho, tomu, tejto, toto, tento, tohto, tietoEmp
(60; 1% of non-emptyPronType
): sám, sama, samé, sami, samo, samom, samej, samého, samých, samýmInd
(347; 8% of non-emptyPronType
): niekoľko, iné, nejaký, niektoré, akýsi, iných, nejaké, niekoľkých, niektorých, inýInt,Rel
(633; 14% of non-emptyPronType
): ktoré, ktorý, ktorá, ktorí, ktorú, ktorého, ktorej, ktorých, ktorom, akéNeg
(73; 2% of non-emptyPronType
): nijaké, žiadne, nijaký, nijaká, nijakú, žiaden, žiadna, nijakej, nijakého, žiadnehoPrs
(1255; 28% of non-emptyPronType
): jeho, jej, ich, svoje, svojej, môj, svojho, svojich, svoju, mojaTot
(302; 7% of non-emptyPronType
): všetko, všetky, každý, všetci, všetkých, každom, každú, každé, všetkým, každého
seems to be lexical feature of DET
. 100% lemmas (51) occur only with one value of PronType
975 ADV tokens (22% of all ADV
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
The most frequent other feature values with which ADV
and PronType
co-occurred: Degree=EMPTY (975; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(526; 54% of non-emptyPronType
): tu, tam, tak, vtedy, takto, preto, zatiaľ, sem, dovtedy, odvtedyInd
(80; 8% of non-emptyPronType
): niekedy, niekde, kedysi, inak, niekoľkokrát, akosi, kdesi, inde, inokedy, nejakoInt,Rel
(244; 25% of non-emptyPronType
): kde, ako, prečo, kam, kedy, odkiaľ, odkedy, čím, Kamže, kadiaľNeg
(76; 8% of non-emptyPronType
): nikdy, nijako, nikam, nikdeTot
(49; 5% of non-emptyPronType
): vždy, všade, VšelijakoEMPTY
(3470): veľmi, potom, opäť, teraz, raz, už, neskôr, stále, dnes, dobre
seems to be lexical feature of ADV
. 100% lemmas (65) occur only with one value of PronType
Relations with Agreement in PronType
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in PronType
ADV –[conj]–> ADV (5; 63%),
DET –[conj]–> DET (5; 71%),
PRON –[conj]–> PRON (4; 100%),
PRON –[orphan]–> PRON (3; 100%),
DET –[dep]–> ADV (1; 100%),
PRON –[appos]–> PRON (1; 100%).