Treebank Statistics: UD_Skolt_Sami-Giellagas: Features: Case
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 9 different values: Abe
, Acc
, Com
, Ess
, Gen
, Ill
, Loc
, Nom
, Par
786 tokens (27%) have a non-empty value of Case
344 types (46%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
206 lemmas (40%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
The feature is used with 9 part-of-speech tags: NOUN (406; 14% instances), PRON (299; 10% instances), NUM (17; 1% instances), ADJ (16; 1% instances), PROPN (12; 0% instances), ADV (11; 0% instances), VERB (10; 0% instances), ADP (8; 0% instances), DET (7; 0% instances).
406 NOUN tokens (99% of all NOUN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN
and Case
co-occurred: Number[psor]=EMPTY (364; 90%), Person[psor]=EMPTY (364; 90%), Number=Sing (345; 85%), Animacy=EMPTY (300; 74%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 0% of non-emptyCase
): čääʹʒʒtääAcc
(106; 26% of non-emptyCase
): tueʹllj, niõđ, muõrid, čääʹʒʒ, kåʹddtueʹllj, kooʹddid, kåʹllkåʹđđnjõõzzid, peäʹl, vuâra, ääušasCom
(9; 2% of non-emptyCase
): mannuin, peeiʹvin, heäppšines, jieʹlličaaʹʒʒin, kaarbivuiʹm, paaʹrnines, peeʹlljinEss
(18; 4% of non-emptyCase
): kämmǥižžen, triâŋggân, kaavân, kueʹllen, näuʹdden, heäppšen, låʹdden, ooumžen, säldtenGen
(40; 10% of non-emptyCase
): ääkka, heäppaž, suõv, tueʹllj, kuäʹđ, kämmǥa, ääiʹj, Peter, Siõm, caarIll
(28; 7% of non-emptyCase
): pärnna, kuätta, põʹrtte, äitta, Pella, aaiʹtid, ekka, heävašstallju, kuättses, kuäʹttnjälmmaLoc
(20; 5% of non-emptyCase
): mieʹccest, oummust, ääiʹtest, luândstes, lõõnjâst, põõrtâst, tuõddrest, vueiʹvvgåårdest, škooulâst, ǩeeʹrjteeʹjestNom
(183; 45% of non-emptyCase
): ooumaž, heävaš, nijdd, stäʹlmmstääll, eččad, niõđâž, Peʹll, källsaž, tieʹrmes, triâŋggPar
(1; 0% of non-emptyCase
): eeʹǩǩedEMPTY
(5): vuâra, vueʹppes, årra
Paradigm heävaš | Nom | Acc | Gen | Ess | Com |
_ | heäppšen | ||||
Number=Sing | heävaš | heäppaž | heäppaž | ||
Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3 | heäppšines |
299 PRON tokens (96% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (262; 88%), PronType=Prs (158; 53%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(47; 16% of non-emptyCase
): tõn, muu, mâiʹd, suu, tõid, miʹjjid, tuu, Tän, jiijjâs, muännaidCom
(2; 1% of non-emptyCase
): mõin, tõinGen
(28; 9% of non-emptyCase
): tõn, suu, dõõn, tuu, Mij, mõõn, nuuʹbb, tänIll
(8; 3% of non-emptyCase
): miʹjjid, muʹnne, tõid, ǩeäzzLoc
(15; 5% of non-emptyCase
): suʹst, seeʹst, dââʹst, suännast, muʹst, tõʹstNom
(199; 67% of non-emptyCase
): son, tõt, ton, mon, mii, puk, dõõt, tõt-i, kååʹtt, nåkkamEMPTY
(12): mâiʹd, måttam, jiânnai-a, mõõn
Paradigm tõt | Nom | Acc | Gen | Loc | Com | Ill |
Clitic=AddI|Number=Sing | tõt-i | |||||
Number=Sing | tõt | tõn | tõn | tõʹst | tõin | |
Number=Plur | tõk | tõid | tõid |
17 NUM tokens (100% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and Case
co-occurred: NumType=Card (17; 100%), Number=Sing (16; 94%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): kooumEss
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): koummânGen
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): kooumLoc
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): kooumâstNom
(13; 76% of non-emptyCase
): kueʹhtt, õhtt, čiččâm, kuâhttlovitt, vitmlo
Paradigm koumm | Acc | Gen | Loc | Ess |
Number=Sing | kooum | kooum | kooumâst | |
koummân |
16 ADJ tokens (50% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (16; 100%), NumType=EMPTY (15; 94%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(2; 13% of non-emptyCase
): kuuʹǩǩ, nuuʹbbGen
(1; 6% of non-emptyCase
): nuuʹbbIll
(2; 13% of non-emptyCase
): jõnnNom
(11; 69% of non-emptyCase
): nuʹbb, tiõrvâs, jåʹttel, lääʹđesmiõllsab, muʹvddem, occkaž, veeʹres, šurr, šuurabEMPTY
(16): kuälmad, šiõǥǥ, nåkkam, ekksaž, jõnn, kaađâš, siõm, uʹcc, viʹlǧǧes, šoora
Paradigm nuʹbb | Nom | Acc | Gen |
nuʹbb | nuuʹbb | ||
NumType=Ord | nuuʹbb |
seems to be lexical feature of ADJ
. 91% lemmas (10) occur only with one value of Case
12 PROPN tokens (92% of all PROPN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (12; 100%), Animacy=Hum (10; 83%), NameType=Giv (8; 67%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 8% of non-emptyCase
): FranskkjânnamLoc
(1; 8% of non-emptyCase
): PariizzâstNom
(10; 83% of non-emptyCase
): Peter, Mary, Brown, Jane, SmithEMPTY
(1): Laurikainen
11 ADV tokens (4% of all ADV
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADV
and Case
co-occurred: AdvType=EMPTY (11; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(7; 64% of non-emptyCase
): koozz, koozz-a, mõõzzLoc
(4; 36% of non-emptyCase
): koʹst, mâʹstEMPTY
(288): âʹtte, âʹpet, de, kâʹl, mäʹhtt, tok, pâi, teâđast, še, tõʹst
10 VERB tokens (2% of all VERB
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which VERB
and Case
co-occurred: Mood=EMPTY (10; 100%), Person=EMPTY (10; 100%), Tense=EMPTY (10; 100%), Number=EMPTY (8; 80%), VerbForm=EMPTY (8; 80%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 10% of non-emptyCase
): vaʹlljeeǩâniAcc
(1; 10% of non-emptyCase
): puälddmõõžžEss
(7; 70% of non-emptyCase
): vueʹtǩǩmen, håiddmen, jieʹllmen, jååʹttmen, viikkmenNom
(1; 10% of non-emptyCase
): älggEMPTY
(648): ceälkk, mõõni, puõʹđi, šõõddi, vaaʹldi, jälste, ǩieʹzzi, leäi, lij, mõõnnâd
8 ADP tokens (32% of all ADP
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADP
and Case
co-occurred: AdpType=Post (8; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(8; 100% of non-emptyCase
): luzz, årra, räjjaEMPTY
(17): ool, pâʹjjel, âʹlnn, Rââst, mieʹldd, piirâs, pirr, čõõđ
7 DET tokens (70% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (6; 86%), PronType=Dem (5; 71%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1; 14% of non-emptyCase
): määŋgGen
(2; 29% of non-emptyCase
): tõnNom
(4; 57% of non-emptyCase
): tõt, Tät, tokEMPTY
(3): jeeʹres, jäänab, måkam
Paradigm tõt | Nom | Gen |
tõt | tõn |
Relations with Agreement in Case
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Case
NOUN –[det]–> PRON (34; 71%),
NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (8; 89%),
NOUN –[nummod]–> NUM (8; 57%),
NOUN –[det]–> DET (6; 86%),
NOUN –[nsubj:cop]–> PRON (4; 67%),
NOUN –[conj]–> PRON (3; 100%),
NOUN –[nsubj]–> NOUN (3; 75%),
PRON –[nsubj:cop]–> PRON (3; 100%),
ADJ –[nsubj]–> PRON (2; 100%),
NOUN –[reparandum]–> NOUN (2; 67%).