UD for Kaapor 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- In general, words are delimited by whitespace characters. Description of exceptions follows.
- According to typographical rules, many punctuation marks are attached to a neighboring word. We always tokenize them as separate tokens (words);
- There are no adjectives in Tupinambá. Modification is made by composition, so when a lexical root is modified by another a new word appears as in kuɲãporaŋ (kuɲã ‘woman’ + poraŋ ‘beauty’). Such words are treated as multiword tokens.
- Tupinambá nouns are not marked for gender. Number is optionally marked.
- Nous can take the following Cases:
. There different locatives, which areasigned the following features:Case=LocPunc
(punctual locative),CASE=LocDif
(diffuse locative). - What has been traditionally called circunstantial mood or indicative II in some Tupí-Guaraní languages referes to the nominalization of a predicate and the fronting of an adverbial expression. The nominalized form of the verb takes
as feature and value.
This is an overview only. For more detailed discussion and examples, see the list of Czech POS tags and Czech features.
- Tupinambá uses 16 of the 17 universal POS categories. ADJ is not used.
- The (de)verbal forms used, are: infinitive
, finite verbFin
, tagged, converbConv
, gerundGer
Mapping UPOS to XPOS Ka’apor
ADV | adv |
INTJ | intj |
NOUN | n |
PROPN | ppn |
VERB | v, vi, vt |
ADP | pp |
AUX | aux |
CCONJ | cc |
DET | det |
NUM | num |
PART | pcl |
PRON | pro |
SCONJ | sc |
PUNCT | punct |
SYM | sym |
X | x |
- The relational markers
, which indicate contiguity or non-contiguity between a head and its dependent, take respectively the following features:Rel=Cont
. A third type or rletional indicates that a possessor is not present, neither contiguously or non-contiguously. This relational is taggedRel=Abs
, for relational absolute. - As a head marking language, Tupinambá cross-references arguments on the predicate, mostly when the object is third person: a-s-epjak 1.SG-3-see ‘I see him’. The PERSON feature in this case will be
. - The protmanteau markers, 1 -> 2 are asigned the PERSON feature
. - Tupinambá is reach in nominalizations. Lxical roots can be nominalized by suffixes that receive the following features: nominalizatin of circusntance
(-saβ ‘thing, way of VERB’), deverbal passive nominalizationNomzr=DevPass
(-pɨr ‘one that is VERB’).
Instruction: Describe inherent and inflectional features for major word classes (at least NOUN and VERB). Describe other noteworthy features. Include links to language-specific feature definitions if any.
Instruction: Give criteria for identifying core arguments (subjects and objects), and describe the range of copula constructions in nonverbal clauses. List all subtype relations used. Include links to language-specific relations definitions if any.
There are N Kaapor UD treebanks:
Instruction: Treebank-specific pages are generated automatically from the README file in the treebank repository and
from the data in the latest release. Link to the respective *-index.html
page in the treebanks
folder, using the language code
and the treebank code in the file name.