UD for Gheg 
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- Words are delimited by whitespace. Since the input is spoken language, no punctuation was used apart from a sentence-final dot to indicate turn ends.
- Different types of multi-word tokens occur:
- discourse marker do me thënë (that is, namely; see domethënë in Standard Albanian)
- complex prepositions like në vend që (instead of), për shkak se: (because of), and para se (before)
- subjunctions like edhe pse (even though)
- idiomatic expressions like antej kentej (here and there) and kadal kadale (slowly but surely)
- 15 out of 17 tags were used.
did not occur. - The following words were tagged as PART:
- negation particles as, s, nuk, mos
- infinitive particle me
- affirmative particle de
- comparative/superlative particle ma
- question particle a
- discourse particles ani (okay), okej (okay), faleminderit (thank you), jo (no)
- Gheg has 7 auxiliaries (AUX), 2 verbs and 5 particles:
- copula verb jam (be)
- auxiliary verb kam (have), which is used in combination with the non-finite form of the main verb to form periphrastic tenses. jam (be) is used in the same function in combination with verbs of movement.
- future particle do
- progressive particles po, tu, duke
- reflexive and passive particle u
- The tag DET is used for articles which cannot occur independently. They always occur in combination with a noun or adjective (e, i, një, së, të). The tag PRON is used for pronouns that can occur as the head of a noun phrase.
- Participles are tagged as ADJ when used adjectivally.
- Nouns have inherent Gender (
) and inflect for Number (Sing
), Case (Nom
) and Definite (Def
). - Verbs inflect for Mood (
), Tense (Imp
), Person (1
), Number (Plur
) and Voice (Act
). There is one non-finite verb form, i.e. a participle, which is used to form perfect tenses with auxiliary kam/jam (VerbForm=Part
), and a distinct infinitive construction with the particle me (VerbForm=Inf
), e.g. me pas (to have). - Adjectives agree with nouns in Case, Gender, Number and Definite. Degree (
) is marked with the preceding particle ma. - Adverbs only inflect for Degree.
- Pronouns inflect for Case, Gender, Number; they are marked for PronType (
). Personal pronouns inflect for Person (1
). Reflexive pronouns are marked with Reflex (Yes
). - Determiners inflect for Case, Gender and Number. The indefinite article is marked with Definite (
). - Numerals have NumType (
) and inflect for Case and Gender. Ordinal numbers also inflect for Number.
- Core arguments are nouns and pronouns that connect with the verb without adpositions.
- Subjects occur in nominative and (rarely) dative case, e.g. m doket (it seems to me).
- Objects occur in accusative and dative case.
- Pronominal arguments can be omitted.
- Word order is relatively free.
- The copula jam (be) is used in equational, attributional, locative, possessive and benefactory nonverbal clauses. Existential clauses are expressed with kam (have) and other verbs expressing existence, e.g. ndodh (happen, occur).
- Two subtype relations are used:
- nsubj:outer for subjects of copula sentences with a clausal predicate
- aux:part for TAM modulating particles that modify a verb
There is one Gheg UD treebank.