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This page pertains to UD version 2.

nmod: nominal modifier

The nmod relation is used for nominal modifiers of nouns or clausal predicates. nmod is typically a noun functioning as a non-core (oblique) argument or adjunct, and often marked by a preposition using case.


Tá sé ráite ag tráchtairí áirithe ‘It is said by some commentators

Tá sé ráite ag tráchtairí áirithe \n Is it said by commentators some
nmod(ráite, tráchtairí)
case(tráchtairí, ag)

Tá an Roinn ag obair le réimse tionscadal ‘The Department is working with a range of projects’

Tá an Roinn ag obair le réimse tionscadal \n Is the Department at working with range projects
case(réimse, le)

It is also used for attaching noun phrases, such as headings, to clauses:

TOGRA IONAID - Eolas a chur ar fáil ar fholúntais fostaíochta le FÁS ‘CENTRE PROJECT - To provide information on employment opportunities with FÁS.’

TOGRA IONAID - Eolas a chur ar fáil ar fholúntais fostaíochta le FÁS \n PROJECT CENTRE - Information to put on getting on opportunities employment with FÁS.
nmod(Eolas, TOGRA)

It is also used to label the attachment of augment pronouns to their nominal head:

Comharsain aoibhne ab ea iad ‘They were lovely neighbours’

Comharsain aoibhne ab ea iad \n Neighbours lovely were they them
nmod(iad, ea)

Verbal nouns which act adjectivally and appear in the genitive are usually labelled as nmod.

Caladh mór tráchtála atá ann chomh maith. ‘It’s also a large wave of traffic.’

Caladh mór tráchtála atá ann chomh maith \n Wave big of_traffic that_is there as well 
nmod(Caladh, tráchtála)

Two nouns coming together also come under this dependency label:

Quantifying Nouns

Mise agus mo chuid clabaireachta. ‘Me and my babbling

Mise agus mo chuid clabaireachta \n Myself and my part of_babbling. 
nmod(chuid, clabaireachta)

Nouns Modifying Nouns

Ba i dtaobh poist a bhí mé ag caint leis siúd. ‘I was talking to him about a job

Ba i dtaobh poist a bhí mé ag caint leis siúd \n Was in side of_a job that was I at talking with_him that.  
nmod(dtaobh, poist)

Reflexive Pronoun: féin

Similar to the emphatic pronoun self in English, e.g. himself, themselves.

Cé hiad féin ? \n Who are THEY ?
nmod(hiad, féin)


It can also translate as ownership, yet the possessive pronoun will also be present in those constructions using féin:

ábalta a rá lena bpobal féin \n able to say to their own community
nmod(bpobal, féin)
le bean Choilm \n with Colm's wife
nmod(bean, Choilm)


In Irish, the word for month is (lit. ‘the month of’). We often use the word when referring to a paricular month. For example mí Iúil means ‘the month of July’. The name of the month follows ‘mí’ in the genitive case. We label the name of the month as nmod. Months that are composed of more than two nouns are treated as flat.

NOTE: We also treat days of the week as flat

Caitheadh pióg le Bertie Ahern le linn an fheachtais olltoghcháin i mí Aibreáin \n A pie was thrown at Bertie Ahern during the election campaign in the month of April
obl:tmod(Caitheadh, fheachtais)
nmod(fheachtais, mí)
nmod(mí, Aibreáin)

A simple, non specific date string should also be treated as nmod per the UD guidelines.

sa bhliain 1975 `in the year 1975

sa bhliain 1975 \n in year 1975
flat(bhliain, 1975)

However, a more specific date string, referring to a specific month, should be labelled as flat

I mí Mheán Fómhair 1940 \n In the month of September
nmod(mí, Mheán)
flat(Mheán, Fómhair)
flat(1940, Mheán)


We treat itemisation numbers as nmod: chapter 1, article (a)

For example:

(a) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-ailt (1) (b) agus (2)(a) The sub-articles (1) (b) and (2) will have no purpose’

(a) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-ailt (1) (b) agus (2) \n (a) Not will purpose have sub-paragraph (1) (b) and (2) 
nmod(bheidh, (a) )
nmod(fo-ailt, (1))
nmod(fo-ailt, (b))
nmod(fo-ailt, (2))

NOTE: We treat ordinal numbers as amod and cardinal numbers as nummod

nmod in other languages: [bej] [bg] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [fro] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [gub] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [ssp] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [xcl] [yue] [zh]