: possessive nominal modifier
The relation nmod:poss
is used for a genitive/possessive nominal modifier, expressed either by a nominal or pronoun in the genitive.
Mõõni, mõõni de kueʹtt lij, kämmǥa kueʹtt lij,... \n He went and went and there was a home, there was a bear's home,...
nmod:poss(kueʹtt, kämmǥa)
nmod:poss in other languages: [ab] [apu] [bej] [bm] [en] [fi] [ga] [hbo] [hy] [id] [jv] [koi] [kpv] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [pcm] [sms] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [vi]