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This page pertains to UD version 2.

NounClass: noun class

Tswana uses the Noun class system where all Nouns are assigned to one of 23 possible nouns classes. The class system is also used with adjectives, and subject and object concords, which also agree with the class of the Noun they are associated with.

Tswana uses 18 of these classes, with classes 12, 13 and 21-23 not in use. The noun class is primarily determined by the prefix associated with the noun, and is indicative of singular or plural. Odd numbered classes (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) indicate singular forms and even numbered classes (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) generally indicate the associated plural forms of the odd numbered classes.

Values: Bantu1 Bantu2 Bantu3 Bantu4 Bantu5 Bantu6 Bantu7 Bantu8 Bantu9 Bantu10
Bantu11 Bantu14 Bantu15 Bantu16 Bantu17 Bantu18 Bantu19 Bantu20

Bantu1: singular, persons, proper nouns, terms of kinship and personified names

The corresponding plural class is Bantu2.


Bantu2: plural, persons, proper nouns, terms of kinship and personified names

The corresponding singular class is Bantu1.


Bantu3: singular, impersonal nouns, body parts, tools, instruments, trees, and plants

The corresponding plural class is Bantu4.


Bantu4: plural, impersonal nouns, body parts, tools, instruments, trees, and plants

The corresponding singular class is Bantu3.


Bantu5: singular, body parts, some animals, plants, collective nouns, strangers, regions, natural phenomena, and a few personal nouns

The corresponding plural class is Bantu6.


Bantu6: plural, body parts, some animals, plants, collective nouns, strangers, regions, natural phenomena, and a few personal nouns

The corresponding singular class is Bantu5, also Bantu14.


Bantu7: singular, body parts, tools, instruments, some animals, languages, characteristics, and some personal nouns

The corresponding plural class is Bantu8.


Bantu8: plural, body parts, tools, instruments, some animals, languages, characteristics, and some personal nouns

The corresponding singular class is Bantu7.


Bantu9: singular, animals, body parts, tools, instruments, and a few personal nouns

The corresponding plural class is Bantu10.


Bantu10: plural, animals, body parts, tools, instruments, and a few personal nouns

The corresponding singular class is Bantu9, also Bantu11.


Bantu11: singular limited nouns – body parts, tools, instruments, collective nouns

The corresponding plural class is Bantu10.


Bantu14: singular, collective, abstract, and locative nouns

The corresponding plural class is Bantu6, although some nouns in this class do not have plurals.


Bantu15: verbal nouns, infinitives


Bantu16: place or locality


Bantu17: place or locality


Bantu18: place or locality


Bantu19: place or locality


Bantu20: place or locality


NounClass in other languages: [nci] [tn] [u]