Treebank Statistics: UD_Abkhaz-AbNC: POS Tags: VERB
There are 588 VERB
lemmas (46%), 1626 VERB
types (60%) and 1915 VERB
tokens (30%).
Out of 13 observed tags, the rank of VERB
is: 1 in number of lemmas, 1 in number of types and 2 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent VERB
lemmas: а-ҳәара́, а-бара́, а-цара́, а́-ҟазаара, а́-мазаара, а-не́ира, а-гара́, а-ды́рра, а-ҭахра́, а́-ҟаҵара
The 10 most frequent VERB
types: аҳәеит, иҳәеит, анакәха, иалагеит, аҳәан, аҿынанахеит, иаҿын, лҳәеит, дцеит, рҳәеит
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: а-цара́ (VERB 42, NOUN 1), а́-ҟазаара (VERB 40, AUX 2), а́-ҟалара (VERB 22, AUX 4), а́кәхара (VERB 12, AUX 2), а́-цәгьа (VERB 7, ADJ 2), а́-лшара (VERB 6, AUX 2), а-цәа́жәара (VERB 5, NOUN 1), а-бзи́а (VERB 4, ADJ 3), а́-ҧшаара (VERB 4, NOUN 1), а́-маана (VERB 3, NOUN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: Ҳәарас (VERB 3, NOUN 1), акәхап (VERB 2, AUX 1), ыҟам (AUX 2, VERB 2), Амшәгьы (NOUN 2, VERB 1), Инаган (ADV 1, VERB 1), Ирацәаны (ADV 1, VERB 1), алшоит (AUX 2, VERB 1), ашра (NOUN 1, VERB 1), аҧшаара (NOUN 1, VERB 1), ҟалап (AUX 1, VERB 1)
- Ҳәарас
- акәхап
- ыҟам
- Амшәгьы
- Инаган
- Ирацәаны
- алшоит
- ашра
- аҧшаара
- ҟалап
The form / lemma ratio of VERB
is 2.765306 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.123631).
The 1st highest number of forms (51) was observed with the lemma “а-ҳәара́”: Изҳәада, Исҳәахуеи, Ишәҳәеит, Иҳамҳәар, анаҳәа, аниҳәа, аҳәан, аҳәара, аҳәахт, аҳәеит, иаҳәаз, ибҳәаз, излеиҳәаз, ииҳәаз, илызҳәаӡом, илҳәаз, имҳәеит, ирҳәозгьы, ирҳәоит, исҳәаз, исҳәазшәа, исҳәараны, исҳәоит, исҳәома, иуҳәома, ишырҳәо, ишысымҳәаз, ишҧалҳәа, ишәҳәаз, иҳәан, иҳәеит, иҳәозу, лҳәан, лҳәеит, мҳәакәа, наҳәан, рҳәеит, рҳәом, сымҳәаӡеит, сымҳәеит, сҳәар, сҳәеит, сҳәо, сҳәоит, узҳәомызт, умҳәан, уҳәар, уҳәаратәы, уҳәаргьы, шҳәатәу, Ҳәарас.
The 2nd highest number of forms (46) was observed with the lemma “а-бара́”: Иаабар, Ибымбои, Ишаабоз, Ишыжәбо, абазбахьаз, абомызт, абон, анаба, анаҳамба, аниба, анырба, анырбалак, бымбаӡеи, збап, збом, злоубазеи, зымбеит, иабаз, иабоит, иауаабахуаз, иаурымбахуаз, ибаны, ибар, ибоз, ибозшәа, ибоит, избеит, избоит, изымбеит, илбоит, имбеит, имбозшәа, ирбаргьы, иубо, ишызбаз, ишҧазымбо, иҳамбаз, рбеит, сибоит, сымбеит, сышҧоубаз, убааит, убап, убоит, умбои, шаабаз.
The 3rd highest number of forms (32) was observed with the lemma “а-цара́”: Иабацеи, Иахьцалак, ацара, бца, дабацеи, далацалоит, данца, дцараны, дцеит, дцоит, дцон, иахьца/лак, изымцеит, ицеит, ицоз, ицозар, салацеит, санцо, сцан, сцарц, сцеит, сцоит, уабацеи, уабацо, уца, уцаны, шәабаца, шәабацеи, шәанцо, ҳамцеи, ҳанцозгьы, ҳцап.
occurs with 42 features: Dyn (1915; 100% instances), VerbForm (1913; 100% instances), Person[subj] (1758; 92% instances), Tense (1744; 91% instances), Subcat (1561; 82% instances), Number[subj] (1026; 54% instances), Person[obj] (626; 33% instances), Gender[subj] (567; 30% instances), Person[lo] (500; 26% instances), Number[lo] (462; 24% instances), Gender[lo] (387; 20% instances), Polarity (258; 13% instances), Mood (227; 12% instances), RelType (222; 12% instances), Person[io] (198; 10% instances), Number[io] (190; 10% instances), Number (163; 9% instances), Reln (120; 6% instances), Gender[io] (118; 6% instances), Voice (110; 6% instances), Person[ro] (79; 4% instances), Number[ro] (66; 3% instances), Number[obj] (60; 3% instances), Person[psor] (53; 3% instances), Number[psor] (47; 2% instances), Gender[ro] (45; 2% instances), Animacy (39; 2% instances), Definite (35; 2% instances), Number[po] (34; 2% instances), Person[po] (34; 2% instances), Gender[psor] (25; 1% instances), Gender[obj] (18; 1% instances), Number[refl] (17; 1% instances), Person[refl] (17; 1% instances), Gender[po] (12; 1% instances), Gender[refl] (12; 1% instances), Number[cs] (10; 1% instances), Person[cs] (10; 1% instances), Gender[cs] (7; 0% instances), Aspect (4; 0% instances), Case (3; 0% instances), Evident (3; 0% instances)
occurs with 128 feature-value pairs: Animacy=Hum
, Animacy=Nhum
, Aspect=Iter
, Case=Ess
, Definite=Def
, Dyn=No
, Dyn=Yes
, Evident=Nfh
, Evident=Nfh2
, Gender[cs]=Fem
, Gender[cs]=Masc
, Gender[cs]=Neut
, Gender[io]=Fem
, Gender[io]=Masc
, Gender[io]=Neut
, Gender[lo]=Fem
, Gender[lo]=Masc
, Gender[lo]=Neut
, Gender[obj]=Com
, Gender[obj]=Fem
, Gender[obj]=Masc
, Gender[po]=Fem
, Gender[po]=Masc
, Gender[po]=Neut
, Gender[psor]=Fem
, Gender[psor]=Masc
, Gender[psor]=Neut
, Gender[refl]=Fem
, Gender[refl]=Masc
, Gender[refl]=Neut
, Gender[ro]=Fem
, Gender[ro]=Masc
, Gender[ro]=Neut
, Gender[subj]=Com
, Gender[subj]=Fem
, Gender[subj]=Masc
, Gender[subj]=Neut
, Mood=Cnd
, Mood=Cnd2
, Mood=Imp
, Mood=Int
, Mood=Opt
, Mood=Prp
, Mood=Sub
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Number[cs]=Plur
, Number[cs]=Sing
, Number[io]=Plur
, Number[io]=Sing
, Number[lo]=Plur
, Number[lo]=Sing
, Number[obj]=Plur
, Number[obj]=Sing
, Number[po]=Plur
, Number[po]=Sing
, Number[psor]=Plur
, Number[psor]=Sing
, Number[refl]=Plur
, Number[refl]=Sing
, Number[ro]=Plur
, Number[ro]=Sing
, Number[subj]=Plur
, Number[subj]=Sing
, Person[cs]=1
, Person[cs]=2
, Person[cs]=3
, Person[io]=1
, Person[io]=2
, Person[io]=3
, Person[io]=Rec
, Person[io]=Rel
, Person[lo]=1
, Person[lo]=2
, Person[lo]=3
, Person[lo]=Rec
, Person[lo]=Rel
, Person[obj]=1
, Person[obj]=2
, Person[obj]=3
, Person[obj]=Rel
, Person[po]=1
, Person[po]=2
, Person[po]=3
, Person[psor]=1
, Person[psor]=2
, Person[psor]=3
, Person[psor]=Rel
, Person[refl]=1
, Person[refl]=2
, Person[refl]=3
, Person[ro]=1
, Person[ro]=2
, Person[ro]=3
, Person[ro]=Rec
, Person[ro]=Rel
, Person[subj]=1
, Person[subj]=2
, Person[subj]=3
, Person[subj]=Rec
, Person[subj]=Rel
, Polarity=Neg
, RelType=Cause
, RelType=Loc
, RelType=Mnr
, RelType=Tmp
, Reln=Ben
, Reln=Com
, Reln=Ins
, Reln=Mal
, Reln=Pot
, Subcat=Intr
, Subcat=Tran
, Tense=Aor
, Tense=Cnd
, Tense=Cnd2
, Tense=Fut
, Tense=Fut2
, Tense=Imp
, Tense=Past
, Tense=Pqp
, Tense=Pres
, Tense=Prf
, VerbForm=Fin
, VerbForm=NonFin
, VerbForm=Vnoun
, Voice=Cau
, Voice=Pass
occurs with 995 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Dyn=Yes|Gender[subj]=Neut|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Aor|VerbForm=Fin
(40 tokens).
Examples: аҳәеит, иакит, ишьҭнахит, ныҟанаҵеит, аацәырнагеит, афеит, аҳәахт, гәанаҭеит, еилнакааит, иаагәанаҭеит
nodes are attached to their parents using 33 different relations: root (794; 41% instances), advcl:conv (216; 11% instances), advcl (173; 9% instances), conj (165; 9% instances), acl:relcl (80; 4% instances), csubj (79; 4% instances), ccomp:quote (67; 3% instances), advcl:quote (51; 3% instances), advcl:seq (48; 3% instances), ccomp:obj (40; 2% instances), advcl:cond (37; 2% instances), parataxis (30; 2% instances), xcomp:lo (29; 2% instances), nsubj (21; 1% instances), advcl:compar (20; 1% instances), advcl:purp (9; 0% instances), xcomp (8; 0% instances), csubj:outer (6; 0% instances), obl (6; 0% instances), ccomp:purp (5; 0% instances), iobj (5; 0% instances), obj:lo (4; 0% instances), obj (3; 0% instances), obj:ro (3; 0% instances), xcomp:obj (3; 0% instances), xcomp:subj (3; 0% instances), ccomp:iobj (2; 0% instances), compound:pred (2; 0% instances), conj:q (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), ccomp:poss (1; 0% instances), ccomp:ro (1; 0% instances), nmod (1; 0% instances)
Parents of VERB
nodes belong to 7 different parts of speech: VERB (987; 52% instances), (794; 41% instances), NOUN (87; 5% instances), PRON (28; 1% instances), AUX (9; 0% instances), ADV (6; 0% instances), PROPN (4; 0% instances)
268 (14%) VERB
nodes are leaves.
375 (20%) VERB
nodes have one child.
374 (20%) VERB
nodes have two children.
898 (47%) VERB
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a VERB
node is 9.
Children of VERB
nodes are attached using 51 different relations: punct (1703; 37% instances), nsubj (609; 13% instances), advmod (363; 8% instances), obj (259; 6% instances), obl (243; 5% instances), advcl:conv (215; 5% instances), obj:lo (178; 4% instances), conj (177; 4% instances), advcl (165; 4% instances), ccomp:quote (73; 2% instances), iobj (65; 1% instances), advcl:quote (62; 1% instances), csubj (52; 1% instances), advcl:seq (49; 1% instances), ccomp:obj (40; 1% instances), advcl:cond (38; 1% instances), xcomp (35; 1% instances), case (34; 1% instances), mark (33; 1% instances), cc (30; 1% instances), xcomp:lo (29; 1% instances), parataxis (28; 1% instances), vocative (22; 0% instances), advcl:compar (20; 0% instances), obj:ro (17; 0% instances), nmod:poss (16; 0% instances), cop (13; 0% instances), aux (12; 0% instances), advcl:purp (9; 0% instances), compound:prt (9; 0% instances), obj:po (9; 0% instances), discourse (8; 0% instances), csubj:outer (6; 0% instances), acl:relcl (5; 0% instances), ccomp:purp (5; 0% instances), dislocated (3; 0% instances), xcomp:obj (3; 0% instances), xcomp:subj (3; 0% instances), ccomp:iobj (2; 0% instances), compound (2; 0% instances), compound:pred (2; 0% instances), conj:q (2; 0% instances), obj:poss (2; 0% instances), advmod:q (1; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), ccomp:poss (1; 0% instances), ccomp:ro (1; 0% instances), det (1; 0% instances), nsubj:outer (1; 0% instances), nummod (1; 0% instances), obj:cs (1; 0% instances)
Children of VERB
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: PUNCT (1703; 37% instances), NOUN (993; 21% instances), VERB (987; 21% instances), ADV (397; 9% instances), PRON (286; 6% instances), PROPN (106; 2% instances), ADP (56; 1% instances), CCONJ (31; 1% instances), PART (31; 1% instances), AUX (28; 1% instances), ADJ (16; 0% instances), NUM (14; 0% instances), INTJ (10; 0% instances)