Treebank Statistics: UD_English-CTeTex: POS Tags: NOUN
There are 1 NOUN
lemmas (6%), 943 NOUN
types (44%) and 2649 NOUN
tokens (29%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of NOUN
is: 8 in number of lemmas, 1 in number of types and 1 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NOUN
lemmas: _
The 10 most frequent NOUN
types: system, data, flight, SMS, user, time, message, service, interface, operation
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: _ (NOUN 2649, PUNCT 1455, DET 936, ADP 781, VERB 721, ADJ 647, AUX 492, NUM 317, PROPN 293, CCONJ 267, ADV 185, PART 165, SCONJ 163, SYM 98, PRON 83, X 17, INTJ 4)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: water (NOUN 14, X 1), FCP (NOUN 14, PROPN 1), power (NOUN 9, VERB 2), call (NOUN 6, VERB 2), minimum (NOUN 8, ADJ 2), request (NOUN 6, VERB 1), use (NOUN 6, VERB 3), permit (NOUN 5, VERB 1), place (NOUN 5, VERB 1), reset (NOUN 5, VERB 2)
- water
- NOUN 14: It is kind - of - like “ leasing ” the water , but can be taken away ) .
- X 1: The formula for adjusted gross capita is : WD + IM - EX - TL - SU - EM / Population where : WD = ground water & surface water withdrawals IM = water imported / bought from another supplier EX = Water exported / sold to other suppliers TL = treatment loss ( typically R/O or sand filtration SU = Significant uses EM = Environmental mitigation , if required as a District permit condition . Population = Functional population
- NOUN 14: Continuous BIT shall [ SRS093 ] execute on the FCP virtual group .
- PROPN 1: If the failed FCP processor has not synced in 2.5 seconds after the surviving triplex has detected the loss of the FCP , then the surviving triplex shall [ SRS178 ] , within 1 second , send a single voted VMEbus reset through the NE to the failed FCP .
- power
- NOUN 9: A power - of - two complex - to - complex Fast Fourier Transform with retention of all output positive and negative frequencies will be used .
- VERB 2: When the MMI is switched on , the configuration shall be determined by the time elapsed since the MMI was last switched off : ( M ) - less than t minutes – the MMI shall power up with the same configuration as when it was last powered down ; - greater than t minutes – the MMI shall power up with default settings .
- call
- NOUN 6: The network shall terminate the ongoing VGCS / VBS call if it receives the 3 - digit sequence “ *** ” transmitted via DTMF signals . ( M )
- VERB 2: System Initialization shall [ SRS215 ] call an application initialization function to allow the application to ( at least ) create tasks , create communication sockets , initialize the vehicle mode , and initialize memory alignment allowance .
- minimum
- NOUN 8: As a minimum , the LBJ processors shall have an average of 50 percent spare memory and 50 percent spare throughput .
- ADJ 2: The following minimum values shall apply : ( M ) - coverage probability of 95 % based on a coverage level of 38.5 dBmV / m ( -98 dBm ) for voice and non - safety critical data ; - coverage probability of 95 % based on a coverage level of 41.5 dBmV / m ( -95 dBm ) on lines with ETCS levels 2 / 3 for speeds lower than or equal to 220 km / h .
- request
- NOUN 6: Systems supporting OM must be able to store laboratory result ( s ) and link the result ( s ) to the original laboratory test request .
- VERB 1: Redundancy Management shall [ SRS208 ] , within 60 milliseconds after 1.5 minutes has elapsed since the voted reset was sent to the failed channel , if the voted reset fails to recover the failed channel and alignment is still allowed , request from the application a power cycle of the channel .
- use
- permit
- place
- NOUN 5: The NE will remain in the CT and no recovery will take place .
- VERB 1: When executing in the Normal Startup Mode , the TCS shall provide the system functionality necessary to initialize the system to place it in the Operations State within 60 seconds from the time power is supplied and the TCS application is launched . [ SSS024 ]
- reset
The form / lemma ratio of NOUN
is 943.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 125.235294).
The 1st highest number of forms (943) was observed with the lemma “_”: 15c, 1a, 1b, 1c, 9A-2, A, A1, A2, API, ASR, AV, Adjustments, Agreement, Airline, Appendix, Aquifer, Architecture, B, BE, BSP, Baud, Bending, Block, C4I, CCD, CCTV, CMCS, CMIB, CO, CPCC, CPU, CRC, CT, Cab, Cancellation, Card, Center, Co-I, Co-I’s, Concurrence, Conditioning, Conservation, Coordinate, Crop, Customer, DMI, DMS, December, Deletion, Desalination, Development, District, EDAC, EM, EN, ETA, EX, Echo, Eddy, Element, Email, Engineers, Enterprise, Ethernet, Examples, Exchange, FAQ, FCC, FCP, FCPs, FCR, FD/L, FTSS, Feature, Features, Fig., Firmware, Flux, Forecast, Friday, Fuel, GUI, Gate, Gbytes, Guideline, HWCIs, Health, Hz, Hz., I, I/O, ICD, ICP, ID, IDFS, IM, IT, Implementation, L, LBJ, LED, LOL, LRU, LRUs, M&C, MCCC, MFL, MMI, MPCC, MPH, MSISDN, Manual, May, Mbits, Mbytes, Measures, Module, Monday, Mosaic, N, NE, NEFU, NEs, NaN’s, Nm, Numbers, O, OA, OBC, OS, Objects, Package, Paragraphs, Protocol, Providers, Pub, QoS, Questions, R/O, RAM, RECEIVER, ROM, RTA, RX, Railway, Redundancy, Reference, Refrigerating, Reversing, SDRAM, SDT, SDTs, SENDER, SI, SM, SML, SMS, SMSs, SMs, SOA, SOAs, SOF, SP, SPIDS, SRD, STM, SU, SVC, Shutdown, Society, Split, Subscriber, Supervision, TL, TN, TOS, Tandem, Team, Technology, Tops, Torsion, Transfer, Transform, Transparency, Trip, User’s, VBS, VGCS, VIL, VMEbus, Ventilation, Version, W, WD, WM, Wavelength, Weight, Winter, ability, absence, acceleration, accelerations, acceptance, access, account, accuracy, acknowledgment, action, actions, activation, activations, acuity, additions, address, addressing, administrator, air, aircraft, airports, alarm, alarms, algorithm, algorithms, alignment, alignments, allowance, altitude, amendments, amount, amounts, amplitude, analysis, ancestor, angle, angles, animal, appliance, application, approval, archive, area, arrangements, arrow, association, associations, assurance, attempt, attempts, availability, average, avoidance, axle, balance, base, basis, batch, behavior, bench, bit, black, blue, board, box, bps, brake, branch, break, bridge, bridges, broadcast, buffer, building, bus, buses, business, button, bytes, calculation, calculations, calibration, call, calls, camera, campus, capabilities, capability, capacity, capita, cards, carrier, cases, category, catering, change, changes, channel, channels, chapter, character, characters, chars, checkbox, checkout, choices, city, clause, cm, code, codes, coding, color, colors, combination, combinations, command, communication, communications, compensation, completion, complex, complexity, compliance, component, components, computation, condition, conditions, conductor, configuration, confirmation, conflict, conjunction, connection, consideration, constraints, contact, content, context, contract, control, controller, controllers, cooling, coordinates, correction, correlator, corridors, count, country, course, coverage, crash, creation, criteria, current, cursor, cutoff, cycle, cycles, dBm, dBmV, danger, data, database, date, day, degree, degrees, delay, deletions, demonstration, departure, depiction, deployment, descendant, descendants, description, design, destination, details, detection, developers, deviation, deviations, device, devices, dialing, dialling, digit, directory, disk, display, displays, disruptions, distance, distribution, diversion, document, documents, domain, download, downloads, drift, driver, dump, duration, electricity, elements, emergency, encryption, end, entities, entries, entry, environment, epoch, equipment, error, errors, establishment, estimate, estimation, event, events, example, exception, exceptions, executables, execution, executions, exit, exposure, extension, extremities, facilities, facility, factors, failure, failures, family, fault, feedback, field, fields, figure, figures, file, files, filtration, firing, firings, fixtures, flight, flights, floodwaters, floor, flows, following, force, form, formats, forms, formula, frame, frames, freedom, frequencies, frequency, function, functionality, functions, future, g, gas, gauge, goal, grant, graph, gravity, green, ground, group, groups, gun, gunblast, guns, h, habitat, hall, handling, handover, hardware, harvesting, heating, history, host, hour, hours, household, humidistats, humidity, identification, identifier, identifiers, identity, image, imagery, impact, inclusion, incorporation, increments, indication, indications, indicator, information, infrastructure, inf’s, inhibition, initialization, input, inputs, inquiries, inspection, installation, installations, integration, integrity, intent, interconnects, interface, interfaces, interrupt, interval, investigation, isolation, item, items, jitter, joins, key, keyboard, km, knowledge, labels, laboratory, lag, latitude, launch, least, left, length, letters, level, levels, life, light, limits, line, lines, link, list, lives, load, loads, location, locations, login, longitude, loop, loss, losses, lrn, m, magnification, magnitude, maintenance, management, manipulation, manner, manufacturer, map, mapping, margin, margins, mass, means, measure, mechanisms, megabytes, memory, menu, message, messages, method, microseconds, milliseconds, min, minimum, minute, minutes, mission, missions, mitigation, mm, mode, model, modes, modification, modifications, modules, moment, monitor, monitoring, mont, month, months, mountings, mouse, movement, ms, msec, name, names, nanoseconds, needs, network, node, nodes, noise, note, notification, notifications, npa-nxx, npa-nxx-x, number, numbering, object, oil, ok, operability, operating, operation, operations, operator, option, options, orange, order, origin, original, originator, output, overflows, overlap, packet, packets, pages, pair, parameter, parameters, parents, parity, part, parts, password, path, payload, peak, percent, performance, period, periods, permit, permits, person, personnel, pilot, place, plan, planner, planning, point, pointing, policies, population, port, pose, power, practices, precipitation, preparedness, presence, pressure, principle, privilege, probability, procedure, procedures, process, processes, processing, processor, processors, product, products, profiles, program, projects, prompt, proof, protection, provider, pulses, pumpage, purpose, quality, quantities, quantity, queries, query, queue, radiation, radio, range, ranges, rate, rategroup, rates, readiness, reason, recalculation, receives, reception, recognition, recompilation, record, records, recovery, red, reduction, registration, relationship, relationships, release, releasing, removal, replacement, replies, report, reports, request, requests, requirement, requirements, reservoirs, reset, resolution, resources, respect, response, result, retention, retries, right, robot, room, rotation, route, routers, routes, routine, rules, runs, s, safety, sand, save, scheduler, screen, scrub, search, sec, second, seconds, section, security, segment, selection, selections, sending, sensors, sequence, series, service, services, set, sets, settings, shadowing, shoe, shunting, sibling, sight, signal, signals, signature, simplexes, simulator, size, sockets, software, sound, source, space, spacecraft, species, specification, specifications, speed, speeds, staff, standards, start, starting, startup, state, states, statistics, status, stop, storage, store, stormwater, strategies, stream, street, strings, structure, structures, subcomponent, subject, subscription, subsystems, suffixes, summary, supervisor, supplier, suppliers, support, surface, swap, switch, switches, syndrome, syntax, system, systems, table, tables, take, target, targeting, task, tasks, telemetries, telemetry, temperature, temperatures, terminal, termination, terms, terrain, test, text, thermostat, thermostats, throughput, tile, time, timer, times, tolerance, tolerances, tone, tool, tools, total, trackside, traffic, train, transaction, transactions, transit, transition, translation, transmission, travel, treatment, trials, triplex, turn, type, types, underflows, unit, units, update, updates, use, user, username, users, uses, utility, validation, value, values, variations, vehicle, versions, vibration, violations, violet, voice, voltage, volume, wait, wall, warning, watchdog, water, waypoint, weather, well, wells, white, window, windows, withdrawals, working, yellow, zone, zoom.
does not occur with any features.
nodes are attached to their parents using 20 different relations: nmod (732; 28% instances), compound (375; 14% instances), obj (334; 13% instances), obl (298; 11% instances), nsubj (274; 10% instances), conj (246; 9% instances), list (90; 3% instances), nsubj:pass (88; 3% instances), parataxis (64; 2% instances), appos (49; 2% instances), root (21; 1% instances), iobj (20; 1% instances), obl:agent (18; 1% instances), flat (11; 0% instances), amod (9; 0% instances), fixed (7; 0% instances), xcomp (6; 0% instances), advcl (5; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), nsubj:outer (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NOUN
nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: NOUN (1493; 56% instances), VERB (972; 37% instances), ADJ (85; 3% instances), SYM (28; 1% instances), PROPN (22; 1% instances), (21; 1% instances), PRON (12; 0% instances), ADV (7; 0% instances), NUM (6; 0% instances), ADP (1; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)
597 (23%) NOUN
nodes are leaves.
591 (22%) NOUN
nodes have one child.
626 (24%) NOUN
nodes have two children.
835 (32%) NOUN
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NOUN
node is 15.
Children of NOUN
nodes are attached using 27 different relations: det (883; 17% instances), nmod (857; 17% instances), case (689; 14% instances), punct (558; 11% instances), amod (502; 10% instances), compound (427; 8% instances), conj (245; 5% instances), nummod (187; 4% instances), cc (159; 3% instances), acl (119; 2% instances), appos (103; 2% instances), list (94; 2% instances), parataxis (64; 1% instances), flat (47; 1% instances), acl:relcl (27; 1% instances), advmod (25; 0% instances), cop (22; 0% instances), nsubj (16; 0% instances), mark (13; 0% instances), obl (9; 0% instances), dep (7; 0% instances), aux (6; 0% instances), advcl (4; 0% instances), goeswith (4; 0% instances), obj (2; 0% instances), xcomp (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances)
Children of NOUN
nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: NOUN (1493; 29% instances), DET (898; 18% instances), ADP (662; 13% instances), PUNCT (558; 11% instances), ADJ (522; 10% instances), NUM (232; 5% instances), PROPN (213; 4% instances), VERB (188; 4% instances), CCONJ (143; 3% instances), SYM (48; 1% instances), ADV (30; 1% instances), AUX (28; 1% instances), PART (20; 0% instances), X (13; 0% instances), PRON (11; 0% instances), SCONJ (10; 0% instances), INTJ (3; 0% instances)