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fixed: fixed multiword expression

The fixed relation is used for certain fixed grammaticized expressions that behave like function words or short adverbials, and for which a unique head cannot be identified. These are a subset of multiword expressions that are morphosyntactically “fixed” in that they resist internal modification and inflection. (Compare: flat for headless expressions not behaving like function words; compound for headed expressions that morphosyntactically resemble single words; and goeswith for words that contain improper spacing.)

Fixed expressions are annotated in a flat, head-initial structure, in which all words in the expression modify the first one using the fixed label. The first word bears the ExtPos feature indicating the holistic category of the expression.

At present, this relation is used inside the following expressions, semantically grouped for convenience:

Category Expressions
Augmentative as well, as well as
Contrastive rather than, instead of, as opposed to
Causal because of, due to, how come, in order, so as to, so that, such that
Spatiotemporal in between, prior to, on board
Circumstantial/conditional in case (of), whether or not
Elaboration/exemplification/analogy as if, in that, let alone, not to mention, such as, that is
Topic shift as for, as to
Attributional according to
Speaker commitment all but, kind/sort of (hedge), of course
Approximators with a quantity: more than, less than, up to, as many/much/few/little as, all of
Reciprocal pronouns each other, one another

Below the description of fixed expressions are a few idiomatic combinations that are analyzed without fixed. These are summarized as follows:

Non-fixed Expressions
Double spatial prepositions: out of, off of, etc.
about to; as soon/long as; at all, at least/most/best/worst; by far; compared to/with; had better; in general; nothing/anything but; so long; what about, what if

fixed expressions

Augmentative expressions

as well

I like dogs as/ADV[ExtPos=ADV] well/ADV
advmod(like, as)
fixed(as, well)

as well as

I like dogs as/ADV[ExtPos=CCONJ] well/ADV as/ADP cats
fixed(as-4, well)
fixed(as-4, as-6)
cc(cats, as-4)
conj(dogs, cats)

Contrastive connectives

rather than

Typically analyzed as a coordinating conjunction:

I decided to get a dog rather/ADV[ExtPos=CCONJ] than/ADP a cat
fixed(rather, than)
cc(cat, rather)
conj(dog, cat)

However, when fronted, it attaches as case or mark:

Rather/ADV[ExtPos=ADP] than/ADP a cat , I decided to get a dog.
fixed(Rather, than)
case(cat, Rather)
obl(decided, cat)

instead of

Similar in meaning to rather than, but never analyzed as a coordinating conjunction, always case or mark:

John went instead/ADV[ExtPos=ADP] of/ADP Mary
fixed(instead, of)
case(Mary, instead)
John left early instead/ADV[ExtPos=SCONJ] of/SCONJ staying for the whole thing
fixed(instead, of)
mark(staying, instead)

as opposed to

John decided to leave early , as/[ExtPos=ADP] opposed to Mary
fixed(as, opposed)
fixed(as, to-9)
case(Mary, as)

Causal connectives

because of (and other forms, such as b c of and b/c of)

He cried because/ADP[ExtPos=ADP] of/ADP you
case(you, because)
fixed(because, of)

due to (and other forms, such as d t and d/t)

He cried due/ADJ[ExtPos=ADP] to/ADP the fact that you hurt him
case(fact, due)
fixed(due, to)

how come

How/[ExtPos=ADV] come John left early ?
fixed(How, come)
advmod(left, How)

in order

He cried in/[ExtPos=SCONJ] order to make you feel bad
mark(feel, in)
fixed(in, order)
He cried in/[ExtPos=SCONJ] order that you might feel bad
mark(feel, in)
fixed(in, order)
He cried in/[ExtPos=SCONJ] order for you to have something to feel bad about
mark(have, in)
fixed(in, order)

so as to

John left early so/[ExtPos=SCONJ] as to miss the meeting
fixed(so, as)
fixed(so, to)
mark(miss, so)

so that

He cried so/[ExtPos=SCONJ] that you would feel bad
mark(feel, so)
fixed(so, that)

such that

Let the rectangle KL be applied to DE such/[ExtPos=SCONJ] that KL equals BC
mark(equals, such)
fixed(such, that)

Spatiotemporal markers

in between

John left in/ADP[ExtPos=ADP] between/ADP meetings
fixed(in, between)
case(meetings, in)

prior to

John left prior/ADJ[ExtPos=ADP] to/ADP the meeting
fixed(prior, to)
case(meeting, prior)

on board

on/ADP[ExtPos=ADP] board/NOUN the ship
fixed(on, board)
case(ship, on)

Circumstantial/conditional connectives

in case

I always back up my files in/[ExtPos=SCONJ] case my computer crashes
fixed(in, case)
mark(crashes, in)
I always back up my files just in/[ExtPos=ADV] case
fixed(in, case)
advmod(back, in)
advmod(in, just)

in case of

I always back up my files in/[ExtPos=ADP] case of a crash
fixed(in, case)
fixed(in, of)
case(crash, in)

whether or not

He 's crying whether/[ExtPos=SCONJ] or not you feel bad about it
fixed(whether, or)
fixed(whether, not)
mark(feel, whether)

Elaboration/exemplification/analogy connectives

as if

It was as/[ExtPos=SCONJ] if he cried to make you feel bad
fixed(as, if)
mark(cried, as)

in that

I agree in/[ExtPos=SCONJ] that the food is tasty
fixed(in, that)
mark(tasty, in)
advcl(agree, tasty)

let alone

He could n't handle being hurt , let/VERB[ExtPos=CCONJ] alone/ADJ hurt by you
fixed(let, alone)
cc(hurt-10, let)
conj(hurt-6, hurt-10)

not to mention

This restaurant is pretty cheap with good food , not/[ExtPos=CCONJ] to mention their friendly staff
fixed(not, to)
fixed(not, mention)
cc(staff, not)
conj(food, staff)

such as

I like fluffy animals , such/[ExtPos=ADP] as dogs
case(dogs, such)
fixed(such, as)

that is

The dogs need to be housebroken -- that/[ExtPos=ADV] is , '' potty - trained ''
fixed(that, is)
advmod(trained, that)

Topic shift markers

as for

As/[ExtPos=ADP] for me , I love dogs!
fixed(As, for)
case(me, As)
obl(love, me)

as to

As/[ExtPos=SCONJ] to whether I love dogs ...
fixed(As, to)
mark(love, As)
As/[ExtPos=ADP] to my love of dogs ...
fixed(As, to)
case(love, As)

Attributional markers

according to

According/[ExtPos=ADP] to John
fixed(According, to)
case(John, According)

Speaker commitment markers

all but

John has all/DET[ExtPos=ADV] but/ADP left
fixed(all, but)
advmod(left, all)

kind of, sort of (as a hedge)

I kind/[ExtPos=ADV] of like dogs
fixed(kind, of)
advmod(like, kind)

of course

I like dogs , of/[ExtPos=ADV] course
advmod(like, of)
fixed(of, course)

Approximators (quantity modifiers)

more than (when used synonymously with “over” in a quantity)

More/[ExtPos=ADV] than 90 percent
advmod(percent, More)
fixed(More, than)

less than (when used synonymously with “under” in a quantity)

Less/[ExtPos=ADV] than ten percent
advmod(percent, Less)
fixed(Less, than)

up to (when used in quantities)

Up/[ExtPos=ADV] to fifty percent
fixed(Up, to)
advmod(percent, Up)

as many/much/few/little as (when used in quantities)

As/[ExtPos=ADV] much as fifty percent
fixed(As, much)
fixed(As, as)
advmod(percent, As)

all of (when used in quantities)

All/[ExtPos=ADV] of ten minutes
fixed(All, of)
advmod(minutes, All)

Reciprocal pronouns

The first word is marked as PronType=Rcp. See discussion at PRON.

each other

They saw each/DET[ExtPos=PRON] other/ADJ
fixed(each, other)
obj(saw, each)

one another

They saw one/PRON[ExtPos=PRON] another/DET
fixed(one, another)
obj(saw, one)

Not fixed

The following are not annotated as fixed, but are instead labeled according to their apparent internal structure.

out of, off of (All double prepositions denoting spatial relations are annotated with two cases on the nominal)

Get out of there !
nmod(Get, there)
case(there, out)
case(there, of)
Get off of that !
nmod(Get, that)
case(that, off)
case(that, of)

by far

Dogs are the best animal by far
nmod(animal, far)
case(far, by)

what about

What about John ?
nmod(What, John)
case(John, about)

at all

I don't like her at all
nmod(like, all)
case(all, at)

in general

my fear of grizzles , and bears in/ADP general/ADJ
case(general, in)
nmod(bears, general)
In/ADP general/ADJ , I prefer tea to coffee
case(general, In)
obl(prefer, general)

at least, at most, at best, at worst (policy revised in issue EWT#553)

In the revised approach, at least is treated like other PPs, regardless of its meaning, and should always attach as obl or nmod (note that internal modifications like at the very least cause problems for the prior fixed analysis):

They solved at/ADP least/ADJ 7/NUM of the puzzles
case(least, at)
nmod(7, least)
Have at/ADP least/ADJ some/DET of the food
case(least, at)
obl(some, least)
I hope you'll attend at least on Monday , if not the for entire week .
case(least, at)
nmod(Monday, least)
At/ADP least/ADJ I like dogs
case(least, At)
obl(like, least)
At/ADP best/ADJ , they were guesses
obl(guesses, best)
case(best, At)

what if

What if John left early ?
advcl(What, left)
mark(left, if)

so long

So long , Ham 's ... you will be missed
advmod(long, So)
vocative(long, Ham)
parataxis(long, missed)

nothing but X, anything but X: but is treated as a preposition like except

Harriet eats nothing but tomato sandwiches
nmod(nothing, sandwiches)
case(sandwiches, but)

compared to/with X: compared is treated as a verb

This glass is tall compared to that one
advcl(tall, compared)
obl(compared, one)
case(one, to)

as soon as, as long as (standard comparative analysis; contrast coordinating as well as above)

Let 's leave as soon as it ends .
advmod(leave, soon)
advmod(soon, as-4)
advcl(soon, ends)
mark(ends, as-6)
nsubj(ends, it)

had better (and ‘d better) (issue #803)

You had/AUX better/ADV apologize
aux(apologize, had)
advmod(apologize, better)

about to (issue EWT#430)

We are/AUX about/ADJ to/PART leave
nsubj(about, We)
cop(about, are)
xcomp(about, leave)
mark(leave, to)

fixed in other languages: [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hy] [id] [it] [ja] [ka] [ky] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [u] [xcl]