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Treebank Statistics: UD_French-FQB: POS Tags: PRON

There are 25 PRON lemmas (1%), 55 PRON types (1%) and 1658 PRON tokens (7%). Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of PRON is: 9 in number of lemmas, 8 in number of types and 8 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent PRON lemmas: il, qui, que, le/lui, ce, quoi, y, lequel, le, dont

The 10 most frequent PRON types: qui, qu’, -ce, -t-il, se, que, -il, -je, -t-elle, je

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: il (PRON 608, DET 2), que (PRON 266, SCONJ 151, ADV 2), ce (PRON 157, DET 7), le (DET 2759, PRON 10), un (DET 372, PRON 5), _ (NOUN 33, ADP 31, DET 18, SCONJ 10, ADV 9, VERB 7, ADJ 5, PRON 4, CCONJ 1, SYM 1, X 1), autre (ADJ 11, PRON 2), (ADV 188, PRON 2), 2000 (NUM 1, PRON 1), tout (ADJ 6, ADV 1, DET 1, PRON 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: qu’ (SCONJ 38, PRON 3, ADV 1), que (SCONJ 123, PRON 17, ADV 1), le (DET 1161, PRON 5), l’ (DET 471, PRON 3), on (PRON 3, VERB 1, X 1), un (DET 201, PRON 2), Quels (ADJ 19, DET 3, PRON 2), autre (ADJ 10, PRON 2), ce (DET 3, PRON 2), les (DET 367, PRON 2)


The form / lemma ratio of PRON is 2.200000 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.164044).

The 1st highest number of forms (18) was observed with the lemma “il”: -elle, -elles, -il, -ils, -je, -on, -t-elle, -t-il, -t-on, -vous, elle, elles, il, j’, je, nous, on, vous.

The 2nd highest number of forms (6) was observed with the lemma “le/lui”: -moi, m’, me, s’, se, vous.

The 3rd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “_”: autres, on, y.

PRON occurs with 8 features: Person (811; 49% instances), PronType (678; 41% instances), Number (672; 41% instances), Gender (413; 25% instances), Reflex (151; 9% instances), ExtPos (2; 0% instances), Mood (1; 0% instances), NumType (1; 0% instances)

PRON occurs with 17 feature-value pairs: ExtPos=ADP, ExtPos=CCONJ, Gender=Fem, Gender=Masc, Mood=Ind, NumType=Card, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, PronType=Dem, PronType=Ind, PronType=Int, PronType=Prs, PronType=Rel, Reflex=Yes

PRON occurs with 32 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is PronType=Int (570 tokens). Examples: qui, Qu’, que, quoi, Quels


PRON nodes are attached to their parents using 18 different relations: nsubj (748; 45% instances), expl:subj (333; 20% instances), root (178; 11% instances), expl:comp (176; 11% instances), obj (114; 7% instances), obl:arg (29; 2% instances), nsubj:pass (21; 1% instances), obl:mod (18; 1% instances), nmod (16; 1% instances), iobj (9; 1% instances), fixed (4; 0% instances), obl:agent (4; 0% instances), advcl (2; 0% instances), conj (2; 0% instances), cc (1; 0% instances), dep (1; 0% instances), nsubj:caus (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Parents of PRON nodes belong to 8 different parts of speech: VERB (1122; 68% instances), (178; 11% instances), NOUN (159; 10% instances), PRON (153; 9% instances), ADJ (22; 1% instances), PROPN (21; 1% instances), DET (2; 0% instances), ADP (1; 0% instances)

1404 (85%) PRON nodes are leaves.

64 (4%) PRON nodes have one child.

10 (1%) PRON nodes have two children.

180 (11%) PRON nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a PRON node is 5.

Children of PRON nodes are attached using 15 different relations: punct (185; 24% instances), cop (179; 23% instances), nsubj (177; 23% instances), dislocated (135; 17% instances), case (62; 8% instances), advcl:cleft (17; 2% instances), det (6; 1% instances), nmod (6; 1% instances), acl (3; 0% instances), acl:relcl (3; 0% instances), fixed (3; 0% instances), mark (3; 0% instances), cc (1; 0% instances), conj (1; 0% instances), obj (1; 0% instances)

Children of PRON nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: PUNCT (185; 24% instances), AUX (179; 23% instances), PRON (153; 20% instances), NOUN (149; 19% instances), ADP (64; 8% instances), VERB (24; 3% instances), PROPN (16; 2% instances), DET (6; 1% instances), ADJ (2; 0% instances), ADV (1; 0% instances), CCONJ (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)